What should you expect from rest in Morshin?


Morshin is a unique health resort, famous for the adhesives of Ukraine. Founded in 1878, the resort instantly received recognition on only the Austro-Hungarian Empire (at that time the Carpathians were part of Austria-Hungary), but all over the world. Already then, comparing Morshin with the most famous European resorts of a similar type, the resort of the Vicarpathia has given a greater preference for the healing properties of its mineral waters. Mineral water Morshin has already been valued at the "weight of gold" and was exported to almost all countries of the world (Italy, England, USA).

His present name "Morshin", the resort was received thanks to the merchant Peter Morshina, who rented saline mines here.

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_1

This is truly a unique place on the planet. According to the healing properties of mineral water, the resort exceeds all the analogues of the countries of Europe (and and the world).

During the Soviet Union, the resort generally enjoyed all-Union glory and was appreciated along with the wellness resorts of the Crimean Peninsula. In the best times in Morshin in the season, "laughed" to 75 thousand people. Rest in Morshin is remarkably at any time of the year, each time gives his resting his own, nothing increasing impressions.

Today, Morshin is one of the most visited health resorts of Ukraine. Located relatively not far from Lviv (about 85 km.) The resort is available for any category of vacationers, it is even practiced a children's recreation holiday.

You can get to the resort any of their three types of transport. By rail to Lviv or Ivano-Frankivsk to the Morshin station or a regular bus on the resort bus station, or by personal transport right under the main entrance of the sanatorium.

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_2

And there are six state pensions and three private sanatoriums here and elito-departmental. All boarding houses and sanatoriums are located in the forest belt, which gives the resort a special, unique microclimate. The magnificent shady alley of the resort, in which after all the procedures a pleasant to walk, enjoying the purest mountain air and fragrances of the forest. There is no industrial noise and urban fuss, everything flows in a calm, smooth rhythm. Nothing but crystal clear air combined with the unique features of healing mineral springs - it is probably possible to characterize the resort of Morshin in one sentence.

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_3

The main direction of Morshin is the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, the gastrointestinal tract by using mineral waters from various sources. The mineral waters of the resort due to its choleretic, diuretic and relaxing action perfectly contribute to the purification of the body, the withdrawal of radionuclides, normalizing the function of the stomach and increasing the body's immunity.

The complex of therapeutic procedures of pension includes mineral, coniferous aqueous procedures, as well as mud and ozotrochlority. But you should not rush at all the procedures immediately. The fact is that with the flourishing of capitalism in our country, the business for health is a very profitable thing. If you are not constrained financially, then, of course, boldly pass all the procedures at once. They will not harm, but they will not help much. Doctors (especially in private sanatoriums) for your money will find a lot of unnecessary procedures that are allegedly necessary for you. This is especially true of the "miraculous" laser soul, which (according to physicians) gorgeously restores the tone of the whole organism. It is worth this procedure fabulously expensive, and the result .... Better drinking water. She really helps.

We rested on a trip from the trade union in the Lavanda Pension.

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_4

Not bad pension, but not chic. Just for budget residence and treatment. They settled us at 5th floor in a small room with a minimal set of comfort (budget, it is a budget).

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_5

The first day is a survey and receiving recommendations from doctors. So we got our list of recommended procedures for a week, and went to get settled. I was discharged to a small and climb from 2 sources (№4 and №6), plus us (in the appendage) mud baths. And mode. Observe strictly. At first it was hard, 7:30 wake up and forward, drinking a saline rap (Source No. 6 for 40 minutes. Before meals). 8:30 for breakfast. The dining room in the pension is excellent. Feed healthy, satisfying and tasty.

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The child really liked the oxygen foam breakfast. After breakfast on the procedures, so that everything is painted before dinner. And to observe the regime is very important. And most importantly, drink water from the source number 1. She drinks only after eating. They drink this water without exception, and living in the boarding house and not, everything is free. But the turn to this source is huge, the people "on the water" mass. In general, water from sources number 1 and No. 6 is prescribed for diseases of the stomach, intestines and pancreas.

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The water of the source number 4 is appointed with the problems of the urine of withdrawing paths and kidneys and, with violations associated with the metabolism.

At 16:30 afternoon, followed by water and dinner. And in the interval between the "Water Supplement" and the afternooner, you can perfectly walk in the park and entertain the child. You can go to the zoo,

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_8

Very decent. On the main street, referred to as I. Frank, children's rahes (mini amusement park, cars). In the evening, after dinner, vacationers from all boarding houses are going to the local club on the discos. There is one not an expensive, pleasant cafe in the village of "Morshin", with an interesting name "Oak".

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Design cafe peculiar. Relax from walking in the cafe the most. Not expensive and pleasant service, without any pathos.

If you just walk through the park, I recommend to visit the neighboring pension "Marble Palace" not only that there is a zoo (wrote above), for a quiet calm walk, visit the most beautiful pond with a slide - a waterfall. Very beautiful sight.

Pond and alpine hill waterfall in the "Marble Palace"

When the procedures are not so much, you can go on excursions to the sights of Karpat. I highly recommend the excursion to the "Rocks of Dovbush",

What should you expect from rest in Morshin? 5147_10

In informative, it is interesting and you can ride the horses. That's all entertainment. And so, generally boring in Morshin. But, this is the healing resort, so that it was quiet and calm.

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