Rest in Cairo: pros and cons. Should I go to Cairo?


As you know, Cairo is not a resort area. It is located in great remote from the famous resorts of SHARM-EL-Sheikh and Hurghada, then, nevertheless, Cairo attracts tourists from different countries. There are many attractions in this city, telling about the Great Ancient Civilization. Only the pyramids of Giza are one of the seven wonders of the world. And big sphinx? All this is worthy of special attention, because such monuments of ancient, even ancient architecture remained in the world not so much. About ancient Egypt, we all know from the history of the ancient world. Many exhibits from among those found were on the territory of Egypt and Cairo, truly decorate the galleries and halls of museums around the world. I remember visiting St. Petersburg Hermitage. There is a whole hall, the narrative story of Egypt. The original sarcophages, all kinds of figurines, decorations and other items, including life, but more interest will see all this in the most famous Museum of Egyptian antiquities - the Cairo Museum. It contains more than one and a half thousand exhibits. There are even jewels from the Tomb of Pharaoh. You can see a lot of interesting things. Actually, here is the whole history of ancient civilization. All exhibits are decomposed in chronological order. It will be interesting to visit the museum and adults and children. Here, you can not read the story, but see your own eyes. Even for the sake of visiting the museum it is worth going to Cairo.

Moving from the coast to the capital of Egypt is a lot of time. Those who are not afraid to fly can reduce the time in the way using the services of the airline.

Rest in Cairo: pros and cons. Should I go to Cairo? 51439_1

On the way you will spend an average of about an hour, and not eight hours, as on a tourist bus. The cost of the flight is slightly less than four thousand per person. As for security, it can not be on the plane, nor by bus. As you know, in Egypt everyone goes as he wants.

Cairo or, as the inhabitants of Egypt, Misre - the city with a very rich history, which for us - contemporaries remained in the form of architectural monuments and urban planning. Among them is the famous hanging church. Many in the city of Mosque.

Rest in Cairo: pros and cons. Should I go to Cairo? 51439_2

The most beautiful and significant is the mosque of Sultan Khasan, Amra Ibn al-aas. These are whole complexes with its infrastructure. There is in the city and your Christian Quarter. It is considered the most quiet part of the city and the very clean.

We all know on books and films about the existence of two books - books of living and books of the dead. There are in fact or this is a myth, no one knows, but that is that in Cairo there is its city of the dead, known to many. This is the poor quarters located on the local cemetery.

In general, the city, like most cities from the third world countries, is built on contrast. Here the poor is adjacent to luxury, lechings with super-modern high-altitude buildings. Being here, dual feeling. It is very interesting to see the monuments of the ancient world, which tell about the greatness of the old Egyptian civilization, and on the other hand, poverty, dirt on the streets in separate areas, the shabby buildings, spoil all the impression. The appearance of a completely different state opens, in which there is no former force and power.

Very impressed a river trip on the shoe over the Nile. Powerful river, very wide. From the ship you can see the neighborhood of the city. Great panoramic photos are obtained.

Rest in Cairo: pros and cons. Should I go to Cairo? 51439_3

Was in Cairo this year. Now in the city is calm. True, the consequences of the former militant conflicts in sight. There are dilapidated buildings unlocked by fire, without windows. Frightening spectacle. But ... This is the truth of life, another one of the stages of the history of Cairo, which will be recorded in the "Book of Memory" and which the descendants of the Great Civilization of Ancient Egypt will know.

Rest in Cairo: pros and cons. Should I go to Cairo? 51439_4

If you are planning a trip to Cairo, then it is better as part of the group, and not alone. I did not have a sense of security, I still had to be on worse. Maybe this is my purely individual feeling. A group of travel will be calmer and safer. At least once, but it is worth visiting this city, see the miracle of the world, which is not one here.

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