What is worth looking in Stavanger?


Stavanger is a small town located in the south-west of Norway, rightly considered the oil capital of this small northern state, but despite its important status, it is a very quiet and peaceful city with an excellent environment, no matter how paradoxical.

Stavanger's history, as the city leads from the beginning of the 12th century, and many artifacts of those times, due to the scrupulous attitude of the Norwegians to their history, are preserved almost in priority. That is why the city is considered one of the most interesting in a number of such cities. What is just the main Cathedral Stavanger Built in fact simultaneously with reformatting a small fishing village in the city. As archaeologists say, the temple was built on the place of an older church, the history of which is unknown, but judging by the excavations, she took place here in 8-9 centuries. The only significant change in the temple has undergone in the Thirteenth century, when at the moment the reasons at the moment there was a strongest fire, which changed its appearance, but since that time there was no special changes in the architectural look. The inner decoration of the temple is made in a typical Romanesque style with round arcades and massive romance columns. The main shrine of Basilica is the power of the patron saint of Stavanger of St. Svitun.

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The decent attention of each of the old Stavanger region with the original development of the 16-18 centuries will also seem attention to the city. Fully preserved wooden houses belong to private owners who periodically restore them with the help of a local municipality that the mountain is behind the preservation of the historical appearance of the city. Initially, this quarter settled poor sailors and workers, now it is an insanely cozy and quiet quarter is considered elite in the city. In addition to houses, there is a considerable number of tourist shops, art workshops and there is even a small cannery with a museum of dedicated to conservation. This legacy of boom of this kind of business, which occurred more than 100 years ago.

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But the most important reason for which it is worth visiting Stavanger, it is a rock with a height of more than 600 meters, which has a local name is stolen, but the world is more famous as the rock of the preacher.

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It is approximately an hour away from the city, but this road is not limited, because to understand the entire natural beauty of this place, you must certainly climb on the rock, and this is a very easy task. The lifting starts from the town of Preikestolhytta Youth Hostel, which is located at an altitude of a little more than 250 meters above sea level, and then on steep trails you fall on the top of the rock.

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Everyone who will gather look at this natural attraction, I strongly advise you to pre-put comfortable sports shoes and throw a thermos in a backpack with coffee or tea, and a pair of sandwiches.

In general, the overall impression of Stavanger I have and almost everyone who here was united. Very cozy, warm, beautiful and quiet place. It is necessary to visit, but not more than a couple of days as part of a large tour in Norway or in general Scandinavia.

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