Jaipur - Pink City of Indian Maharaja


Jaipur is located in Rajastan and, together with Agra, is a popular "golden triangle". Travel time from New Delhi by car: about four hours. It is best to go to the city from early morning, especially in summer. At noon, the scorching sun turns the admissance by the magnificent architecture and an even more colorful population around in the mining from one shadow to another.

First of all, in the city and the surrounding area you need to see the following:

1. Old pink city of Jaipur with the Khava-Mahal Palace (Wind Temple). The mysterious palace, built by Maharaji for his numerous wives. Pay attention to carved, openwork windows-balconies of the building, which come to the main street, the women looked at the city, remaining invisible to others. The main feature of this palace is its natural air conditioning and active air circulation due to the correct location of the palace itself and all its rooms. It's never hot and stuff!

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2. Ten kilometers from the city is Amber Fort - the old residence of Maharaja Rajastan. Impressive painting over the central entrance, high gear walls, thick and reliable, hidden corridors, for which Maharaj could imperceptibly move to everyone and listen to conversations. Do not forget to grab more nuts and fruits with you, a large family of monkeys live in Forte.

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