Offers of private guides in Punta Cana


Macau Beach - urban beach with a wide coastline, a variety of palm trees and the wild ocean. In addition, the Surf Camp is located on its territory, where you can rent a surf board for both skiing and photoeccursions.

Price: $ 250.

Duration: 1 hour

Number of photos: 200 originals + 30 in processing

Add-ons: Tunic and wreath

Payment: After shooting

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_1

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_2

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_3

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_4

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_5

Offers of private guides in Punta Cana 51317_6

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