Rest in Kerch: pros and cons


Kerch, of course, does not provide such great interest among resting people, such as other regions of Crimea, and all by the fact that first of all Kerch is a port city, and not a seaside resort. In the city, in the summer season from tourists almost nobody settles, but its outskirts and the nearest villages are very popular, not only at visitors, but also from local residents. By right, all the adjoining small resorts can be called one big kerch, because Big Yalta also includes Gurzuf, Nikita, Massandra, Livadia, Alupka. Based on this, since there are no beaches and tourist infrastructure in the city itself, the emphasis will make the nearest resort villages. If you are going to the Crimea for the first time, and reading this post decides to relax or not in Kerch and its surroundings, I want to offer you to consider all the advantages and negative aspects of your future rest.

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Let's start with the fact that many come to Kerch ferry crossing, and if you travel by car, you can highlight a couple of days to explore the surroundings and relax after the road. If you relax in Feodosia and its surroundings, in Semenovka, Schalkino, as well as in more distant resort towns, Kerch at least once, but it is necessary to visit, because this city is full of historical facts and architectural attractions. And in itself is unique in that it is washed by two seas of Azov in the north of the Krchinsky Peninsula and the Black Sea in the south of the peninsula. Kerch is a very convenient transportation land and sea knot. This can be reached by trains Moscow-Kerch, Kiev-Kerch and ferry crossing Kerch-Port of the Caucasus. Therefore, if you still give a free weekend, and it may not necessarily be summer, in Kerch and its surroundings you will look.

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Compared to other Crimean resorts, the city of Kerch, loses only the lack of their own city beaches, many say what to do in the port city, there is dirty? But what then can be said about Feodosia, where the train dissects along the embankment, or about Sevastopol with Balaklava there is also a port? My opinion is that in everything we have to see only beautiful, as the sermost and dirt in any country and in any resort abundantly. I am sure that Kerch has both its fans who, according to tradition, come here to rest for a long time and dissatisfied citizens who prefer the South Coast of the Crimea.

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Pluses of rest in Kerch and nearby villages:

- Low prices for accommodation - Perhaps the Kerch Peninsula, namely Kerch and his nearby settlements, bribe tourists and holidaymakers with the lowest prices in the Crimean Peninsula. Here you can really relax quite fiscal, but I want to warn you right away, which is fiscal, it means fiscal in everything, in conditions, exterior, beach, service. There are no luxurious cottages and expensive nightclubs, here is a quiet, measurable, family.

- Many natural attractions - Most of the excursions can be visited with the excursion guide or individual excursions. If you relax by car, then all the places can be visited by yourself, having a guide, card and navigator with you. There are such interesting natural attractions in Kerchi: Agimushki Kamery, Arshitsevskaya Spit, Mud Volcanoes, Chokrak Lake, General Beaches, Cape Opuk, Kayash Pink Lake, Rocks Ships, Cape Kazantip, Akmana Camera, Arabaty Arrow. To the last, getting about an hour on our own transport, or with a local taxi driver.

- Architectural and historical sights "Every rest in Kerch or its surroundings, it will definitely have to visit Mithridat mountain, views of the entire Kerch Strait, the city, and the steppe peninsula open from the top. Here are excavations of the ancient city of Panticapey. Particularly beautiful in the evening, when the city lights his lights. Kerch fortress, even literally recently closed to visit tourists, there were warehouses with ammunition, and now they are massively conducting excursions. The Fortress of Yeni-Kale is one of the most beautiful fortifications of the Middle Ages. Another historical attraction for the past days, it is possible to name unfinished and never entered the Schelkin NPP. Once for her, on the banks of the Kazantipian bay, a small town for working nuclear power plants was built. But since the place was not fully studied by geologists, later the large deposits of gas and oil were discovered here, for this reason the construction of a large-scale project was stopped. Now Schelkino spa town on the Sea coast. And one of the fortresses preserved his strong arches to this day - the Arabat fortress, located at the beginning of the Arabat arrow.

- Ability to relax in tents - Here is a really huge selection of wild beaches, picturesque bays, most importantly, what would this place, was not on the territory of the reserve, otherwise you will not stand there simply.

Cons of rest in Kerch and his nearby settlements:

- Low level of service "So the prices here are also the lowest, the service can not be possible not to wait, mostly proposed modest rooms or wooden houses on the spit, boarding houses do not shine repairs, in general, as it seemed to me, the tourist business is in some decline. It also concerns transport from small towns, the ideal option here will certainly be a vacation with a personal car.

- Mobile connection - According to the observations of a special problem, of course not, but in such places as the Carlaro steppe with the general beaches were observed interruptions from Kyivstar, in general, this operator works well. Life catches perfectly in Kerch, neighborhood did not check, but MTS sometimes might, connecting to the base station on the territory of Russia, which is through the strait, subscriptions in this case have to pay for roaming.

- Water problems - Kerch Peninsula Steppe Dry Area, which is covered with seas from two sides. Since ancient times, they tried to find water here, but alas. Under the layer is not related to the soil, the entire Kerch peninsula has a rock-andracked rock, widely used in the buildings of fortresses - from here Akman and Adzhimushian quarries. In Kerch itself, in some areas, water is served by the clock.

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