What is worth viewing in Lyon?


About history Lyon. It is told by his streets and monuments. The city itself behaves the beginning of its history from 43 g BC. And I wore the name Lugdunum.

Lyon is a city of weaves, bankers and merchants.

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Start acquaintance with the city more expedient with a trip to the funicular on Hill Fourwiel . Here are the most ancient ruins of Roman buildings outside Rome.

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Museum of Gallo Roman Civilization He will introduce the daily life of Romans and will show amazing mosaic panels, ancient inscriptions, statues and coins.

Founding on the hill of Fuviere built temples, one of them Basilica North Dam de - Fuviere . Basilica consists of numerous turrets, decorated with marble and amazing stained glass windows.

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Old Lyon.

Located at the foot of the hill of Fouvier. The old town is a huge ensemble of the Renaissance of the Renaissance, all house facades are carefully renovated. In the 15th century, King Louis XI granted Lyon the right to hold fairs. Since then, merchants from all over Europe began to go to Lyon. In the architectural style of magnificent mansions, Florentine notes are clearly visible.

Historical Museum of Lyon and Museum of Puppets Deeds to famous Lyon dolls is located in the mansion of the fortune of the 16th century. In the heart of the Old Quarter - Saint-Jean Cathedral erected in 1180-1480, combination of romance style and gothic.

The La Crook-Russ hill was covered with weaver houses, it was the weathets that brought the wealth of Lyon. The houses are high and spacious, because they installed bulky jacquard machines, which allowed to improve the production of silk at the beginning of the 18th century. Lyon Weaving Manufactory supplied fabrics to the courtyards of all European monarchs.

To see how the ancient weaving machine works in the house of silk weaves. About the history of silk production tells Historical fabric museum . In the 18th century mansion, antique and modern, western and eastern silk canvas are presented.

The Museum of Fine Arts in the former Benedictine Monastery collected the richest collection of Veronese works, Tintoretto, Rubens and El Greco, as well as paintings by the masters of creating patterns for silk fabrics.

And of course one of the attractions, our time, is the Pharmaceutical Factory "Laboratory Bouiron", which has numerous branches worldwide.

Lyon is the birthplace of Antoine St. Exupery, the Limier brothers and the composer Jean Michel Herah.

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