What is worth viewing in Copenhagen? The most interesting places.


What is the famous Copenhagen? Of course, first of all, the statue of the famous mermaid. But only one of the cultural and cognitive program in Copenhagen cannot be limited. Here are just a few recommendations on interesting objects of the Danish capital, which should be included in the plan of visiting.

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The National Museum is the largest cultural and historical Museum of Copenhagen. It is located next to the Nyuhavn channel, directly opposite the royal residence of Christiansborg. This museum is famous for its exhibits, which brightly illustrate the history of this amazing country, starting from the ancient stone century to the present day, including the period of great Vikings, the Middle Ages, as well as the Renaissance Epoch. The National Museum is located on the 4th floors of the Palace of Prince Frederick, which was built in the middle of the 18th century. The author of the project - famous in Denmark Architect Nikolai Aigve. The official opening of the museum was solemnly held in 1892. Here are numerous historical exhibits not only collected on the territory of Denmark, but also a variety of ethnographic collections of the peoples of the world from other regions of the planet. In the museum on the first floor there is a very interesting exposition, where the exhibits of the prehistoric period are exhibited. Among them are especially interesting to you will be ancient stones with unique runic inscriptions, the famous Trunnunholm chariot, horns from Gallehus, an ancient silver boiler, as well as a wagon from Dibjerg. In this museum there is a magnificent collection of items related to the Middle Ages. These are vintage royal medals, coins, weapons, various interior items, artistic fabrics, church utensils, altars made of gold, dishes and jewelry. In addition to the permanent exposition, specialized exhibitions are conducted in the museum periodically, dedicated to any topic or dedicated to the solemn dates for the state. Today, the National Museum in Copenhagen is a repository of many famous art masterpieces, look at which an increasing number of tourists come from various corners of the planet.

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Next you are waiting for a city town hall. The first building for the Copenhagen City Hall was built here in the 18th century. Later there were five more different buildings, one replaced the other. Only the town hall was preserved before the same day, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous architect Martin Nurope. All others were destroyed by time or burned in fires. The construction is rather impressive, made in the style of the era of the late romanticism. Here, on the facade there is a gold sculpture of the founder of the Danish capital of the Bishop of Absalon and large city chimes. Daily exactly at noon, you can hear their melodic sound. Town Hall is one of the highest buildings not only Copenhagen, but also the whole country. Its height is 106 meters. Be sure to climb to the top of the tower, overcoming all 300 steps. Then you can see the impressive panorama of the whole city. And inside the city tower today is sitting the administration and solemn events are held. Especially often you can become a witness to the marriage ceremony. Periodically, exhibitions are organized in the Town Hall premises and paid excursions. I recommend to look into the room on the ground floor, where the famous Astronomical Clock Jens Olsen is installed. The date of their creation is 1955, they consist of more than 15 thousand details. Time they show with such a unthinkable accuracy that an error is equal to 0.4 seconds will be able to score on them only for 300 years. You can also find the current date and location of the planets on the sky, the length of the day and night, as well as the Phases of the Moon and the Deta of Christian holidays. Plus, it is possible to see a real map of the starry sky at these clocks over the Dania. All details of the amazing mechanism are placed in a transparent glass case of an elegant form.

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In the Harbor Copenhagen on a small island of Slotsholmen there is a former residence of Danish monarchs Palace Kristiansborg, where state importance events are often held. Today, most premises of this palace know the Danish Parliament - Folketing. In addition, the office of Prime Minister Denmark is located here, as well as the premises for meetings of the Supreme Court. All branches of power live here under one roof. Be sure to visit here to appreciate the uniqueness of this phenomenon. Kristiansborg was built in 1740 and was intended, first of all, for the personal needs of the royal family. Then several times the palace burned and recovered again. What you can see today is almost completely modern building, masterpiece of the architects of the 20th century.

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Next, go to the inspection of the Amalienborg palace complex. The main royal residence was built in the middle of the 18th century by architect Nikolai Aktva. Thus, that was the author of the design of the famous marble church. Danish monarchs moved here after the fire in Kristiansborg. Today, the Palace Complex includes four with the appearance of almost the same buildings, which are named after the names of the country's courtes. Here and to date, lush balls are held, solemn techniques and buffets pass. Here in some premises of the palace are museums, where you can find out the history of the AMALIENLORG Palace and milestones of the life of Danish monarchs. Be sure to go through the beautiful royal rooms and appreciate the wealth of their decoration, with the furniture and decor from ancient times. There is a statue of Frederick VII between Palaces on Square, squeezing on horseback. This is perhaps one of the most famous horse's horse monuments. Copenhagenians and guests of the capital of Denmark love to watch the deaths of the King Guards and the Caraulian ceremony in the square. Usually the soldiers are dressed in a dark blue form, except April 16, when the birthday of the current Queen Margret is celebrated and the frontal outfit is replaced by bright blue pants with red jackets and famous high bear hoods.

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