What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit?


Consider the main attractions of the Curonian Spit.

Ornithological station.

One of the places that is visited during excursions in the Curonian Spit is the ornithological station called "Frindla" (which means Latin - a championship). The station was founded even at the beginning of the twentieth century. The place for her was chosen not by chance, it was above oblique, in the autumn and spring, thousands of birds fly. Accordingly, the station works in this period. Birds are caught by special grids, registered and subjected to ringing. The excursion to the station will be very interesting to children, they will be able to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the life of birds, the methods of ringing and the life of ornithologists.

What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit? 5099_1

The station is located near the village of Fisherman, on the 23rd kilometer of the Curonian Spit.

Royal Bor.

Through the "Royal Bor" hosts a pedestrian tourist route. This forest. The most coniferous trees consisting of the German kings was a reserve, and therefore well preserved. Giant Tui, who were brought in their time from North America, especially appreciated. The length of the trail is about three kilometers, part of the path passes along the old road, according to which Peter I himself was passed. Bor is located on the sixth kilometer of braids, from the side of the Curonian bay.

What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit? 5099_2

Efa height.

Efa height, this is the highest dune dune nut. This dune serves as a reminder of human irresponsibility, since its appearance is the result of cutting out forests. It was named after the German explorer of Dunes Wilhelm Franz Efa, who managed to stop her further promotion due to green plantings. The tourist route on this dune begins at the 42nd kilometer of Spit, a little uncomfortable to the village of Marine. Having passed two hundred meters along the forest path, you will fall on the viewing platform, which offers an unusual landscape on the dunes, the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Bay. It is forbidden to walk along the dune itself, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit? 5099_3

Dancing forest.

This place is full of riddles and mystics, one of the most famous natural attractions of Kosh. The forest was placed relatively recently, in the early 60s of the last century. Tree trunks are curved under the action of some unknown force, the explanations of which have not yet been found. The dancing forest is located at the 37th kilometer of the Curonian Spit.

What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit? 5099_4

Temple in the village of Fisherman.

This is a small architectural landmark, reminiscent of the German past. Kirch was built in 1873, in Soviet times was used on economic purpose, and in the 90s, the Orthodox Church was transferred.

What is worth looking at the Curonian Spit? 5099_5

Muller height

Another observation deck, from the height of which offers beautiful views of the surroundings and lake seagull. Located on the 32nd kilometer, near the village of Fisherman.

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