Where is the best rest in Kerala?


To begin with in general terms. The Indian state of Kerala, located in the southwest of the country, on the shores of the Arabian Sea, literally translates as "Land of Coconut Walnuts".

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Here is one of the highest density density of the country's population, the highest level of literacy rate in the country. Kerala is a very green state, the richest in India, without cows, without bloody-red milk splashes, which are allocated by everything and everything in other regions, and with some hint of civilization. Capital - Tiruvananthapuram (trivandrum). The largest cities of the state - trivandruum, cochin, leather, the calls (toes), Alleppey, Tsissur, Palakcad.

It is not going to inspect one's worthlessness here (although they also have), but for a beach holiday. Sea, sun, sand, palm trees ... Tropical climate of the Malabarian coast, lush vegetation, the unique culture and traditions of the region attract a huge number of visitors from abroad. Kerala has about 550 km of the coast, a significant part of it occupy sandy beaches. The most popular among tourists beaches in the cities of Kovalam, Alleppey, Varkala, Cannur, etc. International airports - in Cochin and Trivandrum. In the capital, linger more than 1 day - there is no point. Use the Tiruvananthapuras as a transshipment point, pass it with a transit, there is absolutely nothing to do. The city is large and modern (relatively), that this is an Indian city, and civilized it is purely conditionally, resemble barefoot in diapers (Indian men thus put out their dhot, which look like children-overgrowths, writing in pants and disinterested In volume pampers), and sleeping on the streets. In the trivandrum in ethny, there are even on sale dishes from beef - that's what I did not expect to see in India! But there is neither the diversity of shops, nor the abundance of eating with edible, nor travel agencies - nothing of what has become familiar during the journey through this incredible country. So follow the advice that I stated above, you will not regret whose and nothing, you probably do not lose. And if you lose, then this losses will not be at all significant in comparison with what you buy by going to the sea. In Kochin, most tourists arrive at the state resorts. Rest in Kochin will like the history of the history of religion, architecture, as well as those who want to just relax in a cozy city. The distance between these two airports is insignificant - 240 km. Kochin is better, I do not argue, but it is easier to get from the trivandrum to the main beaches.

The closest to the trivandrum, just 2 kilometers from the capital airport, a resting place called Led . Therefore, getting to it is completely simple. Under the bright rays of the Sun, the sand seems golden, and the ocean water is transparent, along the shore there is the main attraction and the pride of this beach - Lakes. In fact, they resemble small reservoirs formed by oceanic water during tides.

The most, probably, is popular (we do not take into account) The beach is Kovalas.

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Also located close to the metropolitan airport, about 15 km. Because of this, get here on the bus or Rickshaw will not be any difficulty even inexperienced traveler. And also you can order a taxi. Kowal is famous for the presence of Ayurvedic salons. Although, I will tell you honestly, each resort of Kerala is the Ayurvedic Center itself, where this unusual treatment method can be fully experienced. Kovalas - a natural bay famous for the whole world, ideal for surfing and water skiing. Waves there reach the height of 2 meters, as in Varkal.

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Allepp - Venice of the East. Small shopping village. Here is the largest reservoir in Kerala, lake Vambada. Another feature is from here the famous Houseboat (floating houses) are departed. This can be reached here. And on water. It is 50 km from Cochin Airport.

Varkala It is famous not only by its beautiful beaches and healing mineral springs, beating from high rocks, it is also one of the famous pilgrimage centers of India. Located 60 km from Trivandrum. Sand on the beach in Varkal Two-color: black and yellow, and if you leave a little south, for the rocks, you will see a tricolor: yellow, black and red. He is so small that, when you walk on him, he creaks under his feet like starch. To wash it off with the legs, note, not so simple - the usual jet of water is not enough, you have to rub your feet with your hands, and best of all the brush. Having lifted a look at the sheer cliff, you can see the stage of formation of red and yellow sandstone used in India in construction everywhere. The resort area is divided into two parts by a natural source where the locals walk in water. On the southern shore, there are many cute hotels and hotel trains, ahead of the houses of local residents located in coconut thickets. Here quiet and cozy, let's call it a sleeping area. All madness with restaurants alone on one, with screaming music, a bit of a clogged beach, a bunch of regular and left ayurvedic salons, stores - accurate on the north shore.

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Summing up, I will say. If you fly to India for a beach holiday exclusively - Kerala or omnipresent Goa. Here, somehow even the choice was not stood. Goa will soon be the second Turkey or the second Egypt for Russian tourists. Honestly, even in thoughts was not rush there. We chose Kerala (though, we rushed there from Central India). The two largest Kerala International Airport - Trivandrum and Kochin. In Kochin is more interesting, as in this: history, culture, architecture, religion. Trivandrum is a city for transit, but also closer to the goal. We chose trivandrums - we really need a city for transit. Next - either Kochin or Varkala. Kochin is more popular, the most populous, more civilized, more noisy. Varkala is calm, quiet, but also civilization do not see a lot of kilometers. We chose Varkal. And they did not regret at all!)))

Here is a brief overview of the cities of the state of Kerala. Choosing for you, according to your preferences. I wish you the right choice and a happy way!

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