Historic Berlin


Berlin is an amazing and unusual, beautiful and elegant, alive and very green city. Walking along Berlin, surprised, location, I would say weave, old architectural buildings with new modern buildings. They are very chaotic. In this city, a large number of architectural monuments, museums and historical places that must be visited and see and see.

One of these places is the Berlin Wall - one of the main historical values ​​of the city, here are recreated sites of the situation of those times, getting here you feel all the horror that people experienced. This wall is like a warning and reminder to young people.

Particular to history will be informative to visit the topography of Terror - here a large number of information stands with photos, historical documents, materials, audio records of Hitler's speeches about Gestapo and SS are collected.

Another attractions that are not possible not to visit is Reichstag - the Parliament Building, and his dome causes admiration, an unusual architectural decision, having passed on the dome spiral - a stunning view of all Berlin opens.

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Next to Reichstag are the Brandenburg Gate, which are the symbol of Berlin, there are some events every day, artists act.

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Memorial memory of the killed Jews is the place that you need to visit both adults and children, it is in such places that respect for your own history is given, it will not leave anyone indifferent.

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The museum island, located in the city center, is a very unusual place and one of our beloved in Berlin. Five museums were collected on the island, in which various directions are presented. Each time, visiting the island, we find something new for yourself, because the excavations are constantly being carried out and the collections of museums are replenished. Museum island is a real treasury!

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Not even special lovers of art will be delighted with the Pergamm Museum - here are the exhibits from all over the world. The life and life of people who lived a few centuries ago is shown here. This is the place where pictures from books become a reality.

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Be sure to go to the Berlin Cathedral - very beautiful and majestic, the dome of this cathedral is open to visit, from here there is a magnificent view of Berlin.

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Berlin is a city in which the story of not one country is collected, I think everyone will be useful and interesting to meet her.

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