Visa Registration to Austria


Austria enters the Schengen zone and, therefore, to visit this country it is required to arrange a Schengen visa. It seems to be for many familiar procedures, but in the case of an Austrian visa, you need to pay attention to some of the features without which the visa may refuse. When submitting documents, you need a very accurate translation. Because they can find fault with any letter and visa tourist will not receive. And if there are no marks on obtaining two Schengen visas over the past two years, it will be necessary to provide guarantees of financial consistency. This financial speech is equal to at least 30,000 rubles at the rate of one week of arrival in the country. I honestly understand this can not. Does the Government of Austria believes that tourists from Russia go there without money and will ask alms on the street. But on the other hand, Austrian visa centers in Russia a lot and this a little simplifies the receipt of a visa.

And so, the documents that must be provided in order to safely cross the Austrian border:

  • The passport must have at least two pure pages and its validity period should end not earlier than three months after arrival from Austria
  • Copy of the first page of the passport and copies of all pages with Schengen visas over the past two years
  • Questionnaire and two photos
  • Help from the place of work on the corporate form. It should contain all the details of the employer, including the phone. I do not know why, I did not call for work yet from one visa center to check the information

If a pensioner gathered to Austria, except for a copy of the pension certificate, it will be required sponsorship and a document confirming the relationship with the sponsor. A sponsor should provide a certificate from the place of work and a certificate that he bought a currency at least 50 euros per person per day. These are such interesting rules and for some reason they do not allow the thoughts that the pensioner is able to go to Austria to his own money, they probably monitored Russian pensions.

The same applies to students, only they need a certificate from the place of study and a copy of the student ticket, as well as a copy of the first page of the Russian passport.

Visa Registration to Austria 509_1

A child under 18, making a trip with one of the parents, must provide a notarial permission from the second. And the Austrians still do not care if the child has their own passport or whether he entered the parents passport, he still will need to provide a complete package of documents. In addition, all documents in Russian should be translated into English or German and notarized.

I recommend to prepare and file all the documents in advance so that there is a time for correcting possible errors or inaccuracies. And then the trip can be broken due to the failure of the visa.

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For a trip to Austria, a self-obtaining visa is possible.

  • If this is a business trip, then you need the original invitation of the Austrian partner with all details
  • If this is a tourist trip, then you need to provide the hotel voucher for the entire estimated period of stay in it.
  • If it is a private visit, you will need an eight-digit electronic invitation identification number (EVE). If relatives are invited, they must confirm the relationship. And the one who invites is obliged to confirm its financial consistency
  • Tickets for both ends and original and a copy of medical insurance.

And one more inconvenience during self-submission of documents for a visa is that it is necessary to appear in advance and make an appointment.

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Citizens of Ukraine and Belarus must provide such a package of documents. Only for us and for Ukrainians, the visa will cost 35 euros, and for Belarusians - 60, I do not know what it is connected with.

All, except for children under 6 years old, should pay the consular fee of 35 euros and welcome to Austria.

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