What excursions worth visiting in Cologne?


That's what excursions can be tried when you arrive in Cologne.

1. Sightseeing tour of the city

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It can be a pedestrian, bus or mini-Wen, by public transport, boat or bike. At the excursion, a visit to the most famous churches, cathedrals, bridges (for example, the bridge of lovers - the Gogenzollern Bridge) museums, such as the Museum of Colog, Art Gallery, Museum of Chocolate, and, of course, Cologne Cathedral. Many guides include beer tasting, in particular, local beer Koolsh. Such an excursion will give a complete impression of the wonderful city of Cologne. It lasts such a tour from 1 to 4 hours and costs from 30 € from the group (this is the minimum, usually more expensive). The group can be from 1 to 40 people. It is nice that the place of starting the excursion, as well as the place of visits during this can be easily coordinated with the guide.

2. Cologne Beer Traditions

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What excursions worth visiting in Cologne? 5088_3

It is no secret that German beer is one of the best all over the world. And to learn more about this wonderful drink, you can take a whole excursion dedicated to beer. During ona, tourists will hear a lot of useful and interesting information about the process of production of beer, about traditions and holidays associated with beer and, of course, we taste different varieties of beer. This excursion lasts from one and a half to three hours, costs from 60 € from the group.

3. Cologne: Myths and Legends

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A two-hour tour is dedicated to the myths and fairy tales of the city of Cologne. Tourists with a guide attend the most interesting historical places and recognize a lot of new things. Excursion costs from 100 € from the group. In general, the same sightseeing tour, just with the addition of some curious towns of the city.

4. Romantic tour of Valentinstag lovers

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If you suddenly found themselves in Cologne on February 14, well, or in general came to Germany in February, a similar excursion can become an excellent gift for the second half. The trick of the tour is that by agreement, your second half will arrange surprises during the entire tour. In addition, the tour involves a visit to the most romantic places of Cologne and Bremen cities, two romantic dinners in a restaurant to choose from, visiting the bridge of lovers (locks that enshrine lovers on this bridge, do not give out, so bring with you or buy in a nearby store, Fortunately, there are full there) and much more. That is, it is essentially a sightseeing tour with a romantic bias. This excursion lasts two days, hotel accommodation, travel on the train and meals are included in the tour. Tour begins from Hamburg. It costs about 330 € per person.

It will immediately be appropriate to note that on February 14 in Germany there is a very interesting thing: the cities run Flirt-Express trains.That is, a sort of dating club on wheels (or on the railway tracks. I don't know how much a similar tour is, but it is necessary to buy it in advance, the number up to 10th, and then you want a lot! It lasts about three hours, and at each stop of the path of following romantic The trains are pre-booked a restaurant, where you can go out and dine with the trains who liked you.

5. Chocolate Museum in Cologne

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Perhaps one of the most famous museums in the city. True, the museum is wonderful. To make it all clearer, take the guide services. The cost of the excursion is from 50 euros (sometimes the cost of a ticket to the museum is not included). Excursion lasts about an hour.

6. Locks on the Rhine

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Germany is famous for its old beautiful castles throughout the country. The stories of the castles are really impressive. The middle Rhine from Koblenz to Bingen with its 40 locks is included in the UNESCO list, so, such an excursion just can not be boring! During the tour, tourists will look at the fortress Erenbrunstine, Marxburg, Castle of ELTC, Mary Laah Monastery and many others. Move occurs on a tourist bus or car. It is also possible to ride on the boat along the castles and other attractions.

Excursion notes, from 300 € from the group. Lasts from 6 hours to the whole day. This is really a very interesting excursion!

What excursions worth visiting in Cologne? 5088_8

Well, of course, an excursion to other cities, from Cologne, as well as with Cologne's capture. This is quite long excursions, at least 6 hours. Excursions may include the cities of Germany, as well as neighboring countries, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium and others. It is, respectively, is not cheap, from 300 € minimum. Most popular directions:

Cologne → Luxembourg → Vianden → Clervo → Wilts → Cologne

Cologne → Brussels → Cologne

Cologne → Dusseldorf → Cologne

Cologne → Luxembourg → Trier → Cologne

Cologne → Koblenz → Linz Am Raine → Brows → Lorelee → Baharats → Cologne

Cologne → Amsterdam → Cologne

Cologne → Antwerp → Gent → Bruges → Cologne

Cologne → Aachen → Maastricht → Cologne

Cologne → Antwerp → Cologne

And a variety of similar tours. As you can see, the choice is quite wide, and excursions are useful and informative. I think you need to take!

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