Should I go to Varkal?


Varkala, this is a small village, but at the same time there is already a fairly large resort in the south of India. And let him not so worried as Goa or Andaman Islands, it does not mean that there is no infrastructure and tourists here will not be comfortable. Quite the opposite. This is a great place with two chic beaches separated by a source with crystal clear drinking water, healing blue clay and therapeutic mineral sources and a large number of Ayurvedic centers.

Holidays on Varkal exclusively beach and measured, and that is why this place was chosen by married couples with children who come here for a couple of weeks, and subsequently stay on vacation for the whole winter, and even for the entire season, which lasts here from October to April. There is no noise here, there is no extreme and a crowd of semi-man tourists. Life occurs calmly and more complex.

As already wrote above, the beach here is two, northern and southern.

On the south shore there is a quiet fishing village with a lifestyle of life since previous centuries, as well as a small number of hotels and Ayurvedic salons.

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Northern Beach is actually completely given to tourists. The main part of hotels, hotels, guest houses, restaurants and clinics is located here. The minus is that the Northern Beach is actually on the rocks, so it has to go to the beach along a very cool path. But this inconvenience with more thanks to the purity and deserted sandy beach.

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There are many interesting places around Varkala, this is a vintage temples, as an example, the Janardan temple of which has already exceeded the second thousand, there is a sacred place to Papanas Beach, where mineral springs beat from the rocks of the rocks. Hindus it is called the place of redemption of sins. Ready attention and national park with exotic animals.

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Great advantage of Varkala are prices. They are low enough, compared even with a very budget Goa. For example, rent an average hotel (3 stars) for 30 days will cost $ 1200-1300 for 30 days. For this money you will receive spacious rooms, vegetarian food, free Wi-Fi and so on. But there is one thing, at the high season, beginning in early December and last January, the rooms are better booking in advance. Alas, but places to accommodate in this resort are less than those who want to come here. For longer trips, it is better to rent a separate house.

There are no problems with food, because in the resort there are many restaurants and cafes offer tourists a variety of cuisine, including Russian.

You can get to Varkal on a taxi from Trivandrum International Airport (Cerala Capital). The distance is about 50 kilometers, and the time on the way is not more than 1 hour. You can drive by bus. Less comfortable, in time 2 hours, but very budget. The price of a ticket is about 25 rubles.

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