What to see in Delphi?


This pearl in the historical heritage of Greece is definitely Delphi. . The spiritual and religious center of the ancient Eldla is standing at the foot of the famous Mountain Parnas.

Previously, Delphi were the center of the whole ancient world. According to ancient Greek legend, once Zeus wanted to find out where the center of the Earth is located. To this end, he released two eagles towards each other. One from the east, another from the West. Eagles met just above Delphi. As a sign of this, the so-called "Earth PUP" was installed in the dolphes - the sacred stone of Ommophalos. Currently, Ommophalos occupies an honorable place in the Archaeological Museum Delph.

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Now Delphs are the ruins of a huge complex of ancient temples. Produces an indelible impression. I read that in good weather you can watch the phenomenon - Delphian echo. If you say the word with a whisper, it is echo that it returns several times, and with each time everything is louder and louder, until it reaches the maximum, then it subsides. Weather on the day of our visit although it was good, but it was not set with echo. Same Delphian complex From the top point has this kind:

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Main Landmark Delph - Temple of Apollo It was built in the VI-IV centuries to our era. The remains of the temple were detected during excavations. It was in the temple of Apollo and was the world famous Dolphic Oracle. And in the most intimate part of the temple was allowed to enter only the Pythies, where they actually mean. Previously, it was an impressive structure. Now only a few columns and remains of the foundation remained from the former magnificence. In the process of excavations, fragments of the church frontones were discovered and restored. They are now in the Archaeological Museum Delph. Also on the excavations found several thousand records, thanks to which they were able to form an idea of ​​the life of the ancient Greeks.

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Next to the temple of Apollo is a small structure from white marble. It - Treasury of Athenian where the gifts of Athenian Delfam were kept in honor of their victories in important battles. According to one of the versions, it was built in the V century BC in memory of the reflection of the Greeks of Persians in the marathon battle. Due to the fact that the treasury itself is well preserved and most of the historical laying, managed to fully restore the original appearance.

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Rising along the path upstairs, we get into Dolphic Theater. . It is well preserved to the present and looks majestically. Although, now stone benches threatens to chopping large pieces and restoration is required. The theater was designed and built in the second century BC, so that the audience could look at the Apollo temple and at the same time admire the view of the beautiful mountain valley. This theater held competitions in music and vocals within the Pythi Games. By the way, initially the Pythiy Games consisted exclusively from musical competitions.

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Moving further up to a relatively steep path. We rise to the upper point of the complex. A little more time under the scorching sun (there are not many trees at the top) and we offer us a view of Antique stadium . It is built in the V century to our era on the slope of the cliff. It was here in ancient times a sports part of the Pythiy Games took place. On the right distance (the stadium has a length of almost 200 meters) on the field you can see several arches, through which, probably, greek athletes went out. Judging by the size of the stadium, it is easy to assume that once these spaces cut chariots. Although, maybe there was no chariot here. But when you look at the top of this grand antique stadium, they pop up in front of the eyes of themselves.

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Other ruins are located a little apart and lower from the Delphian Oracle. In their center there is so-called Tolos Athens Prioi . It was the photo of this round building with a well-preserved foundation and renovated by three columns is a business card Delph. Unfortunately, the reliefs of the fat were shot down and he himself is very strongly destroyed, only the bases of the columns and part of the wall are preserved. Therefore, scientists cannot understand the purpose of this ancient structure. Now the preserved details of the embossed decor are located in the Archaeological Museum Delph.

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After you're finished taking place in some places, which were once holy for the ancient Greeks, go to Archaeological Museum Delphov . It is located right at the foot of the Delphic Oracle. Before entering the museum you can see fragments of a beautiful mosaic. In the very museum, a large collection of military ammunition, ancient sculptures, statues of the preserved parts of the decoration and other items found during the excavations are collected. Photographing in the museum is allowed, but without an outbreak. The museum stores Sphinx, who walked the main column in Delphi. You can also see "PUP of the Earth" (Ommophalos), Siberian stone and famous for the whole world Bronze sculpture "Cap . The Archaeological Museum Delph is rightfully considered one of the best in Greece and has a very interesting exposition.

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In Delfa, in the Gorge Fedriad, there is a sacred Kastral source . Previously, Pythia and Priests were washed with water. We also wanted to wash the water from this source, which, according to legend, rejuvenates. But really could not find out where it is the gorge, and the place of his location and did not find it.

There is one more attraction in Delphi - Daoha dedication. He was one of the richest gift facilities in Delphi. Now is a large podium on which nine statues from marble are placed. The monument escaped numerous damage and well preserved. Thanks to the inscriptions found, researchers managed to be absolutely 100% identified by Daeha's dedication gift. The preserved statues are exhibited in the Archaeological Museum Delph.

Currently, the entire Delphic Archaeological Reserve is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Modern Delphi, where the Greeks live, are a little east of the ruins themselves. There are about 180 kilometers from Athens. You need to go on a mountain winding road. From Athens, a bus tour of Delphi is organized. These tours can be purchased in any tourist agency Athens.

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