Should I go to Florence?


To visit Florence - it means to touch the world of the beautiful, to the world of high art and culture ...

Located on the Arno River, this Italian city was constantly in the thick of various political unrest and civil engineering. But despite this, Florence became the center of the Italian Renaissance, which presented the world of many outstanding masters who created immortal masterpieces of sculptures and architecture, painting and other areas of art. The names of the Great Leonardo da Vinci, an outstanding Michelangelo, an immortal Dante, and even Galilean's scientist, are associated with Florence. It is difficult to imagine, but it is the local, the Florentine dialect of the Italian Loe into the foundation of the literary language, and the Florentine coin became a real and undisputed standard for the whole of Europe.

It is here, in Florence, you can first see many world-famous sights, for which tourists come here from different parts of the Earth. This and the Gallery of the Uffizi, who keeps the world's richest collection of works of outstanding masters, and the Grand Putti Palace, and the oldest Arch Bridge Ponte Santa Trinit, and the Bargello Tower, and the amazing solemn Basilica of San Lorenzo, in which not only the tombs are located Clan Medici, but also the so-called "Florentine Pantheon" - the graves of Michelangelo, Rossini, Dante, Makiavelli, Galilee and others, and much more.

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In Florence, it is surprisingly harmoniously combined with the richest historical past, immortalized in countless monuments of history and culture, and modernity, with its high pace and greater requirements. Here you can equally successfully and fascinating the great masterpieces of architecture or painting the Renaissance, surprised by the scope of ideas and the talent of the masters, and the next day or after a couple of hours it is possible to absorb yourself the crowd dancing on numerous modern boutiques and shopping centers in search of successful purchases. After all, Florence is, above all, a characteristic Italian city. With his colorful and cozy restaurants where you can sit with friends, enjoying pasta or pizza or just hanging behind a glass of delicious local wine. With local artisans selling their products on narrow vintage streets. With special, surprisingly warm, so characteristic of Italy, the atmosphere of happiness and friendliness.

The atmosphere impregnifying this great Italian city is impossible to convey words. It is necessary to feel. Feel to fall in love and solve necessarily even once again come back here in order to better understand in order to once again be filled with the charge of special Florentine energy and strength.

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