What excursions worth visiting in Paphos?


A large number of historical memos are concentrated in Paphos, which are protected by UNESCO. In order not to miss sight of interesting places in Paphos, you must first draw the list of sights that you want to see. I will describe some of the most tempting options for excursions.

1. Archaeological Museum of Paphos

This museum is worth drawing his tourist look at him. Here is a real paradise for lovers of all kinds of unique things. There is a huge collection of antiquities, starting from the era of the Neolithic and ending the XVII century. The artifacts presented in this museums were found in various cities of Cyprus. Some finds went to the Central Museum of Nicosia, others remained at the Paphos Museum, which is a branch. Tourists are invited to inspect five halls, in which part of the cultural heritage of Cypriots are collected. Who prefers to admire the subjects from the Neolithic and the Bronze Epoch, to this definitely it is worth visiting the first room. The exhibits of the Iron Age and Classicism are collected in the second hall, coins and stone sculptures are also collected. The third hall is given the opportunity to explore the find from the Roman period and the era of the Hellenes. The highlight of this room is the statues of Asclepia and Aphrodite. The fourth hall is dipping visitors during the Roman Empire and the period of Christianity. The fifth room presents the things of the medieval and the Byzantine periods.

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The museum accepts visitors for a whole year.

Mode of operation: Monday - 8.00 - 14.30; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 8.00 - 15.00; Wednesday - 8.00 - 17.00.

Ticket price - 2 euros. Children under 14 years old - free.

Useful information: April 18 - Day of museums (the entrance is free in almost all the museums of the island).

2. Monastery Chrzynoyss

Most of the holy sites of Cyprus are associated with the name of the Most Holy Virgin. The history of this place has not exceeded. According to the legend, the monastery was formed around the church, which Ignati's Ignatius built. Hermit, making a walk along the coast of Paphos, found the icon of the Mother of God. The monk regarded this sign over and decided to build, in honor of the acquired icon, the temple. As a result, a monastery was formed around him. A lot of what was the building in their century, but most of all went to him during the 1967 fire. But over time, reconstruction was accede and now the monastery has a primordial appearance. The temple has been preserved in the form of a historical memo, now it does not work. From the monks here you can meet only the rector of Dionysius, who looks after order. On the territory there is a unique museum in which the paintings of the great masters are collected, and the monastery surroundings with a magnificent church utensil are opened. The pride of the monastery is a winery, which produces the best vintage wines of Cyprus. Tourists have the opportunity to purchase wine, honey, souvenirs.

You can get along the road Paphos - Limassol, passing 7.5 kilometers to turn to the monastery, then move about 26 kilometers on a straight road, which will lead to the destination point.

3. Museum of folk art Herosekipu

The Herosekipo village is located three kilometers from Paphos. Therefore, for visiting this museum you will need only desires and mood. Those tourists who wish to learn about the lifestyle on the island last years in more detail it is worthwhile to visit this place. The museum is located in the old building called "House of Hajismit", which was the property of the Deputy British Consul. This building is one of the first to be awarded the honorary title of memo architecture. The room was renovated and built a museum in it, which accommodates many objects of peasant life of the time.

Opening hours in summer: 9.00 - 17.00

Mode of operation in winter: 8.00 - 16.00

The cost of the entrance ticket is 2 euros.

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4. Pafos Zoo

There is a zoo 15 kilometers from the city, but it is worth overcome this distance in order to admire the beauty of graceful animals and birds. I especially recommend this walk to couples, because the kids should learn from childhood since childhood. Initially, it was the park of birds, but later other animals began to be added. At this time, the park received the status of the zoo. Animal lovers this place will have to do. Also here three times a day are satisfied with the views in which parrots and owls participate. Time of concerts at noon, 14.00 and 16.00.

Opening hours: April - September - 9.00 - 18.00 (other months from 9.00 to 17.00)

The cost of a ticket for an adult is 15.5 euros, for children under 13 years old - 8.5 euros.

5. Ethnographic Museum

Being in Pafos and not to visit this museum is a global crime. And if seriously, if you have free time, I recommend to visit this place. Previously, it was a state institution, but now it belongs to individuals and is one of the richest in the whole island. The museum contains an incredible number of folk art exhibits and ethnic subjects, which allow you to familiarize yourself with the history of the development of the island. Eliades George for more than fifty years collected historical memos, based on this collection and a museum was created. It is located in a two-story building, next to which there is a beautiful garden. In this garden there are an old oven and a genuine tomb.

Mode of operation: Monday - Saturday - 9.30 - 17.00

Sunday - 10.00 - 13.00

The cost of the entrance ticket is 2.6 euros.

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6. Fort Paphos

In the former times of instability and constant military threat from the sea, this fortress served as protection against enemy raids. In their entire history, the building was a fortress, a mosque, a prison and even salt repositories. In 1935, Fort was declared a cultural heritage and now performs the mission of the Decoration of Paphos. Nothing particularly remarkable inside, as is not outside, but an extraordinary view of the bay and Troodos Mountains are worth buying a ticket and enter inside. The area in front of the fort is used as arena for various cultural events.

Mode of operation: in the summer - from 10.00 to 18.00, in winter - until 17.00.

The cost of the entrance ticket is 1.7 euros.

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