What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl?


I can share successful experience, we visited three excursions and all of them made an indelible impression, two of them were remembered as an incredible adventure and the third left a cute gift that resembles a warm sea and a gentle sun of the Maldives of the Maldives.

One of them took place almost on the hotel's initiative - this is a welcome tour of the accommodation in the price of the hotel. It was called " Trip to Robinson Island "As it is clear from the name, on the second day of staying on the island, already completely having mastered the location, we went to a deserted island.

What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_1

Nobody spent no special excursions on it, we just brought us to a tiny uninhabited island with a beautiful beach and left there. We were given a basket with provisions, installed umbrellas and two sun beds with towels. That is, the experiment is certainly not in its pure form, at Robinson Cruise of all this set of ordinary human joys was not with you, but otherwise everything coincided except Friday. The island on which we left absolutely uninhabited with the exception of one curious comrade, who always tried to begging and interested in our provisions.

What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_2

Of course, our hearts trembled and we shared with him, most likely the tourists here are very often, because the parrot without fearfully took the proposed fruits almost with his hands.

We organized a second excursion for yourself. The fact is that in the Maldives, the underwater hunt is prohibited, and the import of underwater hunting weapons is prohibited, and since we are fond of underwater hunting and freediving for many years, then I wanted to somehow get to the trophies. The legislation of the country did not leave another choice except go fishing . A fisherman of me is no, spinning and other instruments of the surface fishing - this is something from the area of ​​fantasy, but since it was the only opportunity to appreciate the trophies we ordered fishing and did not regret. Even I did! With so much fish it is not surprising. Carefully, a lot of photos, an animal lover look not recommended.

We left on the boat, immediately after breakfast, approximately at the beginning of the ninth morning. While we traveled to the fishing site, the shower passed, in duration, probably ten minutes, no more. I did not completely spoil our mood, on the contrary, presented a beautiful rainbow.

The first was the tuna, now I know what is "trolling", spinning throws right on the go.

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What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_4

The second throw instantly brought the result! I have never seen this in my life! Marlin is a completely stunning spectacle! It is fantastically beautiful, catch it to our guide, fortunately, failed. And I'm glad from the heart of this, Marlin is some kind of magic bird-bird, a strong, noble, very worthy opponent. But I would not have been able to shoot in such a handsome man. The guide was upset that the fish could not be pulled out, and we were quietly rejoiced, but it was not approved that a person would not be offended.

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But this beauty is absolutely unfortunate to me, the little shark, which pecked on my spinning, was pulled out on board men, I hid cowardly on the sidelines. Still, this is shark, although not a big, but suddenly hesit? Jumping sharks along the deck ceased only after the captain knocked her on his head, some special piece.

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Then we just drifted, I mounted on board, and men moved to a new kind of catching jiging, very gambling! Fish was a lot, snowfamps, Jop Fish, tuna and even shark!

What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_7

What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_8

The whole catch went to the restaurant of our hotel, in which we bought a tour, dinner this evening was awesome! We tried the fillet for the first time, especially those caught personally. Honestly, we suspected that we were waiting for a treat, but that in such a volume could not suggest. In the evening, the bungalow served a table with flowers and candles, the main dishes were two baked fish and the sintered shark fillet cooked on the grill. Tastier dinner on this trip, for obvious reasons, was not.

What excursions should be visited at Athlete at Atholl? 5056_9

Third Excursion - Trip to Niparua on which I insisted. I have one passion - I love pearls very much, and Niphara is just famous for souvenir shops with pearls and corals. The town is small, I seemed dirty and not interesting, it has a school, hospital and souvenirs. Choose a suitable pearl turned out to be not easy (the range is not very interesting sat down you understand), but I managed. Naifara is the excursion without which it is quite possible to do and I mention it to rather warn the next tourists from frustration.

If you do not take into account diving, then this is the main set of standard excursions, the most exciting and memorable - the first two, you can safely take, we really liked it.

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