Best excursions in Livadia.


In continuation to the previous material.

Excursions that are worth visiting in an organized group with a guide, as they are more remote and can combine several sightseeing objects.

- Caves of Crimea - A fascinating trip, to open new Crimean natural attractions for lovers. The proposed caves are considered the most beautiful not only in Ukraine, but also throughout Europe. Specially equipped underground halls, will show all the luxury of the middle of the earth. The only requirement for visiting the caves is the presence of convenient shoes and outerwear, since after the roast southern shore of the Crimea, there is quite fresh on the plateau, and in the caves, the temperature is held throughout the year at a mark of 10-14 degrees. Excursion can combine several options. For example, it may be a visit:

Visiting a marble cave and Emine-Bair-Horsar + horseback walk in the plateau Chatir-Doug - 300 UAH / 250 UAH.

Visit to the caves of Marble or Emine-Bair-Horsar + Jur-Jur Waterfall - 350 UAH. / 300 UAH.

Visiting the Cave Marble, Red + Waterfalls Su-Schachan and Jur-Jur - 350 UAH / 300 UAH.

- Mount Demerji - If you are going to rest in Livadia from Simferopol, be sure to pay attention to the Mount of Demerji, the visiting card of Alushta, usually every resting unarmed look sees the silhouette of Catherine, looking from the mountain towards Alushta. The excursion program can combine several interesting routes as horse-drawn, hiking or combined, but in any case you will definitely be at that very Catherine, which was seen by heading to Livadia. The highlight of the mountain, except Bust Catherine, there is a fancy valley of ghosts. For centuries, stone conglomerates undergo erosion destruction, rains and winds wash a more fragile breed, leaving stone rods. They seem to guard the mountain, always meet and conceal tourists. This excursion, if time allows time, usually combine with the largest waterfalls of Crimea - Jur-Jur, who is in the gorilla Haphal (wolf fall)

Sightseeing route - from 250 UAH. / 200 UAH

Best excursions in Livadia. 5045_1

Best excursions in Livadia. 5045_2

- Sudak, new light - One of the remote excursion programs includes a walk in a new light (earlier paradise) on the environmental trail of Golitsyn, the route was worn in a rocky rock, passes over the sea, but is fully equipped for tourist safety. There is no water on the route, so do not forget to replenish stocks in the village, as well as put on the appropriate light clothes from the sun, the shadow on the route is also not. But a pleasant surprise, there will be a bathing in wild bays with crystal clear water. As luckiteels the most beautiful, preserved to our days of the Genoese fortress in Sudak, picturesquely spread on rocky cliffs, an excellent location of the fortification facility. Like any fortress is shrouded in secrets and legends about unhappy love.

Excursion service on the route - 380 UAH / 300 UAH

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Best excursions in Livadia. 5045_4

- Feodosia, Koktebel - Perhaps the most distant excursion program from Livadia. Feodosia, one of the most ancient cities of the Crimea with an interesting story, culture and personalities living and doing their masterpieces here. Tourists to visit, a sightseeing program on the Green Museum and the Picture Gallery of Aivazovsky is offered, as well as a walk to the rests of another of the first fortification facilities of the Eastern Crimea - the Genoese Fortress (as I look absolutely nothing to look, the fortress walls are in a deplorable abandoned state). Next, you should move to the Koktebel resort village, and the sea walk along the oldest extinct volcano Kara-Dag. From the sea you can consider the bizarre forms, ridges, figures that frozen from magma millions of years ago. Recreationers are offered sea bathing in another Nature Memo - the Golden Gate, before the pleasure boats were floated through them, but from recently the decision was made to ban the passage of the shipyard, as it leads to the destruction of the sights. At Koktebel's embankment, the House Museum Maximilian Voloshina, an excellent poet and a naval, whose body rests on a hill overlooking the Koktbel Bay and Kara-Dag Volcano, and if you look at the mountain, you can watch his profile in stone ridges.

Best excursions in Livadia. 5045_5

Best excursions in Livadia. 5045_6

Sightseeing route - from 380 UAH / 350 UAH

- Safari Park "Tagger" - Safari Park Safari in Ukraine. Wild animals live here in the natural environment - lions, tigers and many other animals, watching which is very interesting from the viewing sites. Come here better for the whole day to see their awakening, hunting, day holiday, games. If you relax with children, such a journey deliver the whole family a lot of pleasure. The road is certainly not close, but it is worth talking so close to animals. On the territory of all the conditions for a comfortable stay, if you are tired of the road can be accommodated in the hotel and stay here for two days.

Sightseeing route - 250 UAH / 200 UAH

- Bakhchisaray and cave cities - One of the most popular excursions from the southern coast of Crimea, after the beach heat you get at all in another Crimea, here it reigns your own special atmosphere, visiting the cave city of Chufut-Kale, as if they are transferred for a couple of centuries ago. The highlight of Bakhchisaraya, of course, there is a Khan Palace in oriental style. Excursion programs can be diverse and include visiting other cave cities, such as Eski-Kermen, Kachi Calon, Mangup, Walking to them can be carried out both on horseback and on quad bikes.

Sightseeing route on the route - 275 UAH. / 220 UAH

- Sevastopol - Excursion to this ancient city, first of all introduces its guests with the history of combat operations in panorama and diorama of the city, visiting 35 batteries and mountain sapun essential part of the excursion program. Optional, there may be a visit to the oldest and largest Ukrainian oceanarium, which presents the most exotic exhibits of the seas and oceans. The highlight of this tour, there is a visit to Chersonese Tavrichesky and a boat trip to Balaklava.

Excursion service on the route - 250 UAH / 220 UAH

- Wine tours - On the southern shore of the Crimea there are many tasting rooms and cellars of the Crimean wines, Gourmet will be offered to taste the wines of Massandra plants, "Inkerman", "Solar Valley", "Magarach", "Koktebel", "Bakhchisarai".

Sightseeing route on the route - from 300 UAH.

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