Shopping in Crete. What can I buy? Where? How much?


From a tourist point of view, Crete is attractive for travelers the opportunity to soak on good beaches under the affectionate Greek sun and the desire to taste the dishes of national cuisine in colorful taverns. This is the primary task that all tourists come in front of them, going to relax on the marvelous island, washed immediately by four seas. Well, no less pleasant addition to the lazy beach rest, exciting excursions and active entertainment is the campaign at local stores. After all, few of the tourists can refuse themselves the pleasure of buying memorable souvenirs for themselves or unusual gifts for friends and relatives, being on vacation at the Overseas resort. In addition, shopping in Crete is more exciting and profitable entertainment than a serious event. And to plunge into it, vacationers can be in bright and noisy street markets, in fashionable boutiques and shopping centers, well, indisputable, in numerous souvenir lavas. Moreover, large shops and branded boutiques will be able to detect solely in large cities. But the colorful bazaars, cozy souvenir shops and private craft shops are even on the smallest, undeveloped resorts of Crete.

So, what can interest and look like tourists in Crete? Most often, the result of a critical shopping for travelers is becoming the acquisition of a variety of fridge magnets for 1-2 euros, t-shirts and cups depicting local attractions. For a men's T-shirt with a skillfully recreated drawing of the temple or mythical character of Greek legends, 12-15 euros will need to be given, and the female tunic, in turn, will cost about 10 euros. True, it is not worth counting on a good quality of goods at such a price of a tourist. Branded T-shirts with the image of the Greek gods and mythological scenes are much more expensive - somewhere within 30-40 euros.

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A little less often resting with you from the island of the creation of skillful artisans - carpets, blankets, shawls, handmade tablecloths. By the way, many original masters of craftsmen are manufactured according to old technologies with the help of tools that belong to their grandmothers. Purchase peculiar needleworks, vacationers can be in souvenir shops, in the markets and in the real village of Kritz's masters. In this village, the secrets of skill are transmitted from generation to generation. In small shops, criticians located on narrow serpentine streets are sold traditional carpets, textiles with embroidery and lace products. In summer, the local needlewomen hang their goods right on the village streets near their homes. For 10-12 euros, tourists can purchase a towel with an exclusive embroidery. In general, textiles with critical ornaments (napkins, tablecloths, pillowcases) stands on the island from 5 to 50 euros.

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Tourists in Crete may well be interested in elegant decorations and leather products. In the jewelry stores of large resorts (Hersonissos, Rethymno, Agios Nikolaos) there is a huge selection of bracelets, chains, rings and earring of gold and silver with semi-precious and gems. Their cost is not particularly different from the one that is on the homeland of travelers. However, unique execution, often manually, shape, weaving and design conquer the female half of the rest. The only thing to take into account tourists who decided to buy an expensive decoration, "do not believe that the word unverified merchants of jewels. In Crete, there is a lot of fakes. So, it is better to go to a small shop with a workshop with a workshop, which is no longer the first ten years and is inherited by generation to generation. Often the name of such a jewelry shop at the locals for hearing, so tourists should only ask. The cost of gold products exclusive work starts from 60 euros. And yet, the price of decoration depends not so much from the weight, as from the unusual design. In addition, the seller-jeweler is always ready to make a discount, it is only worth the tourists to admire his creation and stretched a little.

As for travelers who have conceived to acquire footwear on Crete, they should pay attention to the goods of the famous Greek brand Boxer. Its products are sold in branded boutiques and ordinary shoe stores of the island. Convenient and practical leather shoes of this brand will cost 30-100 euros. In addition, tourists, planned holidays in Chania or nearby, will be able to acquire a couple of traditional Greek sandals. You can look after them will be on the popular Skyrodlof Street Street. Stand sandals 18-25 euros.

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Connoisseurs of brand clothing can sweep themselves by campaigning on the boutiques of Rethymnon, Heraklion and Chania. These cities have stores of world and Greek brands. Finding expensive shopping shops in Heraklion. Tourists will be able to dadal on the street, and in Rethymnon they focus on Central Street Solido.

Of course, tourists should not forget about the "delicious" souvenirs. No wonder the island of Crete is famous for olive oil, honey, cheese and wine. You can buy edible gifts both in grocery stores and in markets that are certainly available in large and small towns of the island. Fresh fruits, sophisticated cheeses and a sea of ​​goods at pleasant prices are sold at the bazaars. By purchasing olive oil, tourists should pay attention to the label. It should be the inscription COLD EXTRACTION and the expiration date is not more than a year. This best oil, for a liter of which will have to lay out up to 8 euros. Local honey of pollen of coniferous and citrus trees will devastate the wallets of holidaymakers at least 5 euros per liter. True, some tourists consider it strongly dense and slow-sweet, but everyone has their own preferences.

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As for homemade wine, the liter of a strong drink will have to lay out only 2-3 euros. At the same time buy wine can be even in the tavern, having previously trying alcoholic beverage. And the quality of such home wines is even better than spilled by souvenir packaging. Only here, tourists should consider that no more than 2 liters of olive oil and 2 bottles of alcohol are allowed to export from Greece.

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