Where to go to Paphos and what to see?


Cyprus, as a magnet, attracts a huge number of travelers to its shores. The beauty of the island captive the hearts of visitors, forcing them to return here again and again. Each resort boasts its uniqueness and uniqueness. Separate attention deserves the city of Paphos, which concentrated a large number of unique attractions. Let us consider in more detail the places that must be visited during your stay in this wonderful city.

one. Archaeological Park Kato

This place stores the history of immemorial times, so every admirer of antiquity will be able to please the soul in the park. Immediately I will say that on a tour you need to highlight, at least a day, in order to inspect the memo without a rush and enjoy the spirit of antiquity. Near the cashier is a center for tourists in which you can get all the information you are interested in. After purchasing tickets and brochures, you can safely go to get acquainted with Nea Paphos.

  • House Dionysusa

When you are inside this building, it remains only to fantasize how pompous and chic it was during the times of its functioning. The house was built approximately in the second century BC, and destroyed during the earthquake in the fourth century of our era. Found the structure by chance during repair work. It was assumed that this house at the time belonged to the Roman Consul, but later his genuine estate was revealed. Scientists concluded that this kind of pompous was in fashion among the rich inhabitants of the island. There are forty rooms of various purposes. Each room is decorated with amazing mosaics, many of whom personify the god of Dionysus winemaking. That is why this house is wearing such a name. Mosaics fascinate with their plausibility, the scenes are narrated by various myths. It is very interesting to see work on the walls, floors, realizing that many centuries ago someone also looked at Durssess a long time for a long time, who admires his reflection in the water.

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  • House of Tene

The building is the largest representative of the Roman period for all Cyprus. The house has a hundred rooms who surprise their greatness. Similarly, its name is also selected. Mosaic with the scene, on which the moment of defeat Minotaurus was captured by the Tsehem, is located on the floor in one of the rooms. Also here you can see the terms - ancient bath. In the main hall there is a mosaic with the image of the birth of Achilla.

  • House of Orphea

The dwelling is built by the type of Dionysus House, but preserved to this day worse. There are only three rooms in which you can watch ancient mosaics. One of them depicts the hero of many ancient Greek myths Hercules, which fights with a Nemey Lv. The following mosaic depicts Amazon, which keeps the reins of the horse. The third mosaic gave the name of the house, it depicts Orpheus, playing on his lyre surrounded by forest animals.

  • House Eona

Ends the architectural composition of the Eon Residence. This building is the smallest among all, but the beauty mosaics are not inferior to the above. There are various scenes of ancient mythology, and the authors of the masterfully managed to convey the expression of individuals and their volume.

2. Odeon

An old amphitheater, which was built in the second century BC, to be located on the territory of the Kato Museum. The design is well preserved to our time and is located near the house of Dionysus. Of course, the earthquake slightly destroyed the part of the building, but much managed to restore. In the summer there are various festivals, play outwards. If you climb along the steps, you can find yourself on the top of the hill, which is decorated with a lighthouse. Magnificent landscapes open here, so I advise you to grabcate with you.

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3. Tombs kings

Necropolis is located in the west of Paphos. A visit to this place causes mixed feelings - at the same time experiencing and delight, and horror. Right in the rock, the magnificent tombs in which noble people were buried. It is clear that everything has long been looted, but the atmosphere of the magnifies of Marauders could not carry with them. I look at the architecture, it is easy to arise about the well-being and the sophisticated life of the ancestors of the islanders. Tombs I advise you to visit people who are interested in similar things. For those who do not see much sense in this, there will be clearly nothing to do here. Therefore, time is better to spend on more interesting entertainment.

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four. Temple Aphrodite

Much on the island is associated with the name of this ancient Greek goddess. What is already talking about Paphos, who is considered to be Motherland Aphrodite. It is not far from the city that she was born from the marine foam, becoming a patroness of all lovers. In antiquity, this goddess was very honored, treated her with great respect. Proof of this is a large number of attractions on the island, one of which is the Temple of Aphrodite. In those distant worship times before the gods, people built truly monumental structures in order to delve them and deserve a blessing. One can only imagine what a beautiful building was on the site of the current ruins. In the temple, the Goddess symbol was a conical stone, which stood in the central part of the sanctuary. The Aphrodite itself was not depicted, as her anger was afraid, in the event of insufficient beauty of the sculpture.

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five. Monastery of St. Neophyte

The monastery is located in the mountains of ten kilometers from Paphos. The history of his occurrence knows every Cypriot. Holy Neophyte was born and grew up in Cyprus, in the family of believers. He had a big family, so the parents had no opportunity to train children. When the neophyte turned seventeen years old, he was entrusted with a girl, but six months later he decided to go to the monastery of St. Joaniss Christomomas. Parents were against such a decision, but the young man managed to convince them in the correctness of his decision. He accepted the tonsure and began to help in the monastery, in parallel led by a diploma. He was easily given science, after a few years he had already started reading the psalms in the temple. I managed to visit Neophick on the Holy Land, where he stayed about six months. When he returned, he climbed into the mountains and his own hands had equipped the Kelia himself, in which he prayed tirelessly. Gradually began to build a church around Kelia, for 11 years he was a recovery. Glory scattered about him throughout the island, followers appeared. The monastery was erected near the church, in which the relics of St. Neophyte are stored.

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