What is worth viewing in Heraklion? The most interesting places.


Heraklion -Administational center of Crete and not very large city - from the west to East, Heraklion can be held on foot in 20 minutes .. Named is the island in honor of Hercules, and the city itself is very old, so, and the attractions here too have plenty.

Venetian fortress koulez

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Koups - from Turkish "Koules" - "Tower, Fortress" elevated in the first years of Venetian domination. However, other sources claim that the fortress is in this place from 1212, and it was supposedly built by Genoese pirates and used it as a base. Genuine written sources mention the fortress in 1307. But do not essence. The fortress was very destroyed during the earthquake of 1508. A half a century later, the fortress began to restore, as it was necessary in a defensive structure (Arab pirates attacked and later - Turkish enemies). The powerful two-story fortress was used to be appointed until the 19th century. Platform of the Fortress - Natural Rocks. , Square of the fortress construction - 3,600 sq.m. The outer walls are very thick (9 meters), internal 3 meters. There are three entrances in the fortress. On the outside of the fortress, the remnants of the coat of arms and marble reliefs are preserved with the image of the winged lion of St. Mark -Simvol of the Venetian Republic. In the fortress -26 premises. On the ground floor there were prison and food storage facilities and ammunition. Other premises - barracks and rooms for the governor. There is also a mill, oven and chapel. Today is the attraction and the city's business card, which outlines the boundaries of the historic part of the city. In the fortress, you can admire Venetian structures and Turkish add-ons in architecture (which were made during the Venetian government). Also in the fortress there are various cultural events and holidays. The entrance to the fortress costs about 3 €. You can visit the fortress about 3 o'clock in the summer and until 7 pm in the winter.

KnosSos Palace (Knossos)

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What is worth viewing in Heraklion? The most interesting places. 50056_3

The Knos Palace is located 5-10 km from Heraklion. The legend says that this palace was the residence of Tsar Minos. Palace Square is about 2 hectares. The Palace itself is impressive: one and a half thousand rooms, theater, sanctuary, workshops and warehouses. It is assumed that the palace was built in 1900 to our era and during these many years the palace was repeatedly twisted and loud, and then restored. This palace is closely intertwined with the myth of Minotaur: on the orders of Tsar Minosa, a maze was built, so that the Minnar's mintar was inhabited there, who gave birth to the queen Pasife. Well, then you remember about the feats of the Teres and the victim of the monster and all that. Therefore, this palace also began to call the Milotavra Maze. Many of what was found during the excavation, already Pedano in Archaeological museum cities.

What is worth viewing in Heraklion? The most interesting places. 50056_4

By the way, this is also a great place to visit, because there is one of the richest collections of antiquities dedicated to the Minoan culture. Some pieces here dating 5000-2500. BC!

To get to this palace, sit near the Iraklion port at the Lion's Square stop. And it is better to take a tour or travel in the evening or in the morning - the day here is incredibly hot. Get ready for the fact that you will leave at least two hours and there is a lot of interesting things here! And so, tickets are 6 € for adults and 3 € for children and students. By the way, children here may be a little boring.

Venetian walls

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What is worth viewing in Heraklion? The most interesting places. 50056_6

There are these walls in the city center, next to the main port. The walls began to build somewhere in the 15th, and then the next two or three centuries of the walls strengthened and completed. So, as a result, it turned out a completely impenetrable structure. In the perimeter of the wall - about 3 km. There are 8 bastions and 4 gates: Komeno Bender's Gate (Bethlehem Gate), Chanioporta Gate (Khan Gate), Kainouria Porta Gate (New Gate) and Pili Agiou Georgiou Gate (Gate of St. George). Pay attention to the Martino bastion - the highest point of construction - from there, there is a stunning view of Heraklion, and it is very cool to play.

Church of St. Tita

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Church in Named in honor of the first bishop of Crete and the founder of the first Christian community at the Saint Titus. The history of the conquest of Crete directly reflected in the history of this church. This Orthodox (initially) the Church was built by the Byzantines in 961. In the 16th century, the building became a Catholic temple. And when misturbing the Turks, and Mosque at all (and called it Vizier jami). Unfortunately, in the mid-19th century, the church was destroyed during the earthquake. And very, very quickly restored it. After that, the appearance of the facility was practically not changed. The most important value of the church is the Skull of the Holy Titus. Look for the Church on the square Agios Titos

Building "Loggia" (Loggia)

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An elegant and elegant two-story building, resembling some venetian palace, was built in early 17th century. This is one of the four such buildings of the city, and perhaps the best of them. The construction with the open-air gallery on the first floor was once the building of the city government, and in the evening, the representatives of the nobility "hanging out". Then there was a Turkish residence and vague repository. During the Second World Loggia, "is very destroyed, and then restored, but it turned out not quite as it was. Today, art exhibitions are held in the building. A cute park with a fountain with a female sculpture runs next to the house. Visiting the building is free.

Address: 25th of August Street

Street August 25 (25th of August Street)

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By the way about her. It is located in the very center of the city and runs away from the crossroads of Maidani to the Venetian harbor and the koun fortress. Why is the street named so? In honor of a very sad event. On August 25, 1898, there was a mass execution of the inhabitants of Crete, who were suspected of participating in uprisings against Ottoman conquerors. After that, by the way, the world powers intervened in his fate of Crete and later, Cretes achieved independence. And today is a very beautiful and fashionable street with the most expensive restaurants and hotels, bars and clubs, and the most expensive Heraklion shops. Often, street musicians are spent on the street - shorter, there are always fun and noisy on this street.

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