Is it worth going to Mexico City?


Who would argue, the idea with a visit to Mexico not quite adequate. To be more accurate, it was a crazy and dangerous idea, because we are talking about two attractive ladies traveling alone, first came to Mexico and do not speak Spanish. By the way, the locals call their capital otherwise - Mexico City, and not Mexico, as we call it. So, with your permission, then I will use the name "Mom I am correct", ok? To go to Mexico City in my opinion, it was necessary to visit the kingdom of cruel, awesome and bloodthirsty aztecs. The modern megapolis called Mexico City was erected by Ernan Cortez and his tribesmen at the place of the Tenochtitlan destroyed by him - the great city of Aztecs, the capital of them thrilling in those times of the empire. Aztecs who have already wandered by several generations in search of their Land promised, were led by their tribal God of Wit, and with their movements carried his statue ahead, which allegedly had the gift of human speech and providence and pointed out where, when and how they should go. Moving to the south, they have repeatedly made a stop at least for a year, after which they again laughed, obeying the call of their bloodthirsty God, who commanded them to stop completely only where they will see the eagle devouring the snake, sitting on the cactus - in that very The blessed place where they will become a chosen people. Currently, such an eagle is a symbol of Mexico City, its image is bangible in the Mexican state flag and is part of the state coat of arms, all the pesos coins are decorated. About Aztecs can be told for a long time and a lot, but, frankly, not very nice.

The capital of Mexico is located at an altitude of 2234 m above sea level and the population is superior to Tokyo, Moscow and New York. In Mexico City and the surrounding area there are about 1,400 monuments and historical relics, 10 archaeological zones, 80 museums, as well as a huge number of theaters, centers of folk art, concert and exhibition halls, so it can be called a living museum of civilizations.

The city of Mexico City is grandiose. Smiling parking on the roofs of buildings, long strings of permanent Mexican traffic jams here and there, pedestrian streets, where people carry out the evening promenade and on top resemble a funny and restless aspirant anthill.

Is it worth going to Mexico City? 4991_1

I noticed that there are a lot of "blue" in Mexico, and in the capital - just an incredible amount. They, absolutely not happily, walk around the city center, clinging tightly to each other either just gently holding the handles. And respectful Mexicans only shyly cover their eyes with their kids who look at similar paintings with crushed mouths. In the Zona Rosa area (it is in that area that we usually stop when we arrive in Mexico City) Gomosexuals Pond Prudi are their behavior, and therefore it is not necessary to look for this brethren of the order. I threw a glance in an arbitrary direction - and here they are sitting, take their warm naked hands.

The sun in the capital kneaded to sunset and beautifully illuminated the mountains around, the day came to an end. So it was time to return to the hotel, for to be on the streets of Mexico City in the evening and night, tourists are strongly not recommended. The fact that in the city is not quite calm and safely purely conditionally, a huge amount of police said everywhere. And polismen in full equipment, in body armor, with weapons, batons and plastic shields. It is said that it is not prestigious to serve in the Mexican police at all - the structure is corrupt and sold, and in case of disassembly, there is not the one who is guilty, but who has not had enough money to pay off. It is also said that the police does not look at the outskirts of Mexico-City at all, so absolutely all disassembly and the establishment of justice occur there in a primitive way - with grave injuries and a constant reduction in livestock.

Is it worth going to Mexico City? 4991_2

The Mexican Catholic Church extremely tolerant refers to all religious cuisles of the local population and looks through the fingers to the parallel worship of at least the ancient gods, even a cactus, at least a god of the news that indicates religious pluralism. Mexico City is also the center of South American witchcraft. The Sonora market is the usual market only for those who are in the Holy Confidence that the XXI century of Star in the consciousness of people, all prejudices and with his head plunged humanity in the puchin of comprehensive knowledge and scientific and technological progress. Any problem, disadvantage, a birthday - and a resident of Mexico goes for resolving or healing to Shaman. In case of illness, the ordinary Mexican will turn to the help of a healer, and only after that (if you need it) he will go to the doctor. For Europeans, this is nothing, for Mexican - seriously. If you need a consultation of some kind of hereditary mage or witches, then ask any seller, and he will indicate the person you need. It will not be necessary to know that women are considered more powerful in the witch business than men. Do not be surprised, here you will find connoisseurs of all existing religions and cults. That's just finding a person speaking in English is the greatest problem. There are only two of these "polyglots", as I understood.

In the markets in Mexico City, you can buy absolutely everything that the soul (or inflamed imagination) wishes: even saline grasshoppers, even multicolored chickens in the cap, at least a local passport or weapon. Traders pay MZDA Mafia, which, in turn, captivates the police and city authorities, thus providing peasants the opportunity to realize their goods with the relative non-community of the police. Given the scale of urban commerce, the trade mafia here, apparently, is not inferior to the narcotic.

Is it worth going to Mexico City? 4991_3

Summing up, I will answer you the original question like this: "In Mexico City it's worth going! Still as worth! " Of course, this city is not for a beach holiday (you can even specify it on the map), so if you are ready to sacrifice anything on the beach, if you are more attracted by culture, the lifestyle of the Indians, if you want to plunge on your head and see and feel the true face of the country You just need to go here.

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