How does Austria attract tourists?


Of course, the perception of different countries has its own, individual. But I think that in relation to Austria, most travelers will take place in one - it is definitely worth going there. After all, this country is a real paradise corner. And for absolutely different people. Here will be comfortable and fans of art, and connoisseurs of architecture, and lovers of nature or active sports.

And this remark, in my opinion, is absolutely fair. First, Austria attracts with its amazing nature, which is not only wealth and variety, but also unusual beauty. Walking along the alpine meadows or climbing the mountain will make the heart flutter, and the view of the valleys that drank at the feet will turn into indescribable delight. In addition, Austria is the purest lakes, extensive strip of forests and amazing air, inhaling which it seems that the lungs are filled with strength ...

In the photo: Austrian Alps.

How does Austria attract tourists? 499_1

Secondly, this is a country with a richest history, which left its mark in each of its cities. Of course, the undisputed leader in this regard is the capital of the country - Vienna - where, it seems, each building is a real encyclopedia that tells about exciting events and outstanding personalities from the history of Austria.

In the photo: Vienna.

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And even if someone does not like dry numbers or facts, there is something to listen to - exciting events, interesting personalities, many of which have become legends, and unique facts. What to say. Princess Sisi, Mozart - all this is real Austria. The one we heard about, and which should certainly learn. Among the cities that are worth entering the list of mandatory places to visit in terms of dating with the most outstanding sights of Austria, then, in addition to Vienna, this is, of course, Salzburg, the central part of which, thanks to its unique monuments of history and architecture, is listed in the world heritage of UNESCO, Graz , known thanks to the preserved to the present day and is one of the largest medieval ensembles in Europe, and a baden attracting tourists from around the world not only with high-class "health resorts", but also interesting facilities.

Well, mentioning Mozart, it is impossible not to note the importance of visiting Austria for fans of high art, and connoisseurs of classical music in particular. After all, this is the birthplace of the outstanding and, perhaps the most famous composer of the entire planet - Wolfgant Amadeus Mozart. This is a region that gave the world a wonderful Vienna Waltz and other masterpieces of musical art.

And of course third, it is a region that is an excellent place to relax for fans of active sports. Austrian ski resorts are one of the most sought-after in the world, and this is, believe me, it's not by chance. Excellent conditions, first-class service and ideal for winter sports terrain, all this annually attracts thousands of tourists from different parts of Europe and the world. Moreover, it will be comfortable not only to lovers of skiing, but also those who prefer to spend free time skiing cross-country or even skating.

In the photo: Austrian ski resort.

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Yes, and this is not the whole list of what you can go to Austria. After all, the considerable share of travelers in this country is those who came here for "health". And indeed - in Austria there is an impressive amount of balneological hospitals and hot springs, which can not only relax with a soul and body, but also really improve their health. Those who had a chance to heal in Austria noted that even nature contributes to the rapid recovery, giving each guest with clean water and air, as well as the overall atmosphere of calm, comfort and peace.

Well, finally, among other attractive moments of recreation in Austria, it is worth noting the possibility of excellent shopping, because the impressive number of branded boutiques and large stores, offering their most diverse goods for every taste on the territory of the country. And besides, it is impossible to introduce an Austria without its famous kitchen, in which along with the world-famous strzdel or Viennese cakes, washed down by the legendary coffee, Vienna Schnitzel or other delicious and nutritious dishes.

Of course, rest in Austria can not be called budget and accessible to everyone and everyone. This is still one of the richest European countries, proud of not only the number of attractions, but also the highest quality of their service. But here you can find a compromise. If you have a vacation on one of the most popular ski resorts or balneceborats you do not afford, start your acquaintance with this country at least with a sightseeing tour. She will not devastate you the wallet so drastically, but will allow at least briefly to get acquainted with this amazing region and make sure that these places truly deserve attention and love of their guests ...

Rest in this country can be completely different - informative, calm and measured or active and even violent. But in all cases, he will definitely remember you for a long time, giving not only dozens of picturesque photos, but most importantly, stunning sensations and bright emotions.

And if someone has this note seems unjustified of Odo Austria, my advice - go there and see for yourself that this region deserves its high status of a prestigious resort, as well as the limitless love of traveler coming there.

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