What excursions worth visiting in Larnaca?


Larnaca is a unique resort, since it is here that every visitors can find entertainment for himself. Conditions have been created for outdoor activities and exciting tours to various corners of Cyprus. From this city without difficulty can be reached anywhere on the map of the island. Enjoyed enjoying a beautiful beach and getting sunbathing, I recommend to go to study the ancient legacy of the centuries, which has been preserved here to this day.

one. Aqueduct Kamares

This building is included in the list of the main attractions of Larnaca. And this is not at all by chance, because it is about thousands of years. You can see the monumental aqueduct at the entrance to the city on the road from Limassol. The design consists of 75 arches, the length of which is measured with tens of kilometers. The construction of the water supply system started the famous Turks named Bekyr - Pasha, who was the ruler of the city, and later and the whole island. Thanks to this building, Cypriots were able to directly get water, having stopped walking the distance for two hours.

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The townspeople appreciated such a good and perpetuated the memory of their benefactor, calling the aqueduct himself in his honor. The system has ceased to be operated not so long ago - in the forties of the twentieth century. A modern water supply model was built on shifting. The memo is quite well preserved, and Cypriots do not forget about the benefits that she brought. A special committee on oversight of the quality of reconstructions, landscaping, banning the upline of this zone was established.

2. Hurokiti

Locked in the vicinity of Larnaca Ancient Neolithic Parking, which is guarded by UNESCO. Archaeological studies are carried out here for quite a long period, during which many interesting findings have already been identified. Rarity things from this area can be seen in the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia. These subjects indicate that a developed culture existed here in another 5000 BC. Presumably, representatives of the Cyprus Neolithic crop crops, tamed animals, were engaged in the manufacture of various jewelry and objects of life from stone, wood, volcanic glass. There are information that residents believed in the afterlife, as evidenced by the rites during the burials. The deceased was buried either between the houses or in the floor of their own homes. For the ritual made special figurines that put in the grave. According to the study of the remains, it can be said that these were low-spirited men and women who lived an average of 35 years. Hirokiti will be able to please the lovers of antiques and excavations. On the territory presents the reconstruction of houses where you can look in order to familiarize yourself. You can walk for a long time, especially if you like the spirit of the old days, so very small can be quickly tired. The cost of visiting about five euros.

3. Camel Fermat

The private farm is located in the village called Mazotos, which is located near Larnaca. If Hurokitis is not quite a suitable place for children's rest, the option submitted at this point will bring unforgettable impressions to kids. In the former times, it was very prestigious and profitable to study these magnificent animals. With the help of "desert ships" people traveled, cargo transported over long distances. Today, the camels can be found on the island, perhaps only in this place. In addition to camels, they are engaged in breeding and other animals. Among the ponies, horses, ostriches, deer and other animals, neither an adult nor the child will be bored. The whole animal is manual, loves people, there is an opportunity for feeding.

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The farm is equipped in the form of a real entertainment park, in which you can not only ride on pets, but also to cut down on your trampoline, play the castle, try on yourself the feeling of flight in a special simulator. There is also a swimming pool, a souvenir shop and the game zone. In short, this is a real paradise for family holidays. Farm mode from 9.00 to 18.00. The cost of tickets for adults is 3 euros, for children 2 euros.

four. Monastery Stavrovany

Journey to the monastery I recommend to make in the event that you want to quench spiritual hunger. Amazing in terms of architecture, the terrain can not surprise, but the atmosphere itself is a refining. Immerse yourself in reflections on the device of being, the philosophy of life and its place in the universe. The history of the emergence of shutter in the spirit of holiness and reverence. It is known that Holy Elena, on the way from Palestine, stopped in Cyprus because of the storm. On the trip she went, seeing a prophetic dream about his destination. In Palestine, she had a chance to find a cross, on which the Savior was crucified, as well as the crosses on which the robbers were executed. The ship moored to the shores of Cyprus, and in the morning it was discovered that one cross disappeared. The loss towered in the air above the Mount Olympus. Holy Elena took this sign, and ordered the temple on the mountain. As a result, this mountain began to be called a cross. On the way to the monastery I advise you to stay on the observation platform, with a stunning view. Entry in the monastery is very strict - the entrance to women is prohibited, and men can visit the temple at certain hours (from 12.00 to 14.00 the entrance is closed). Photographing inside the temple is also not permitted.

five. Larnak Fort

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The main defensive design has served many years of the inhabitants of the island, protecting them from various enemy encroachments. During its existence, the building managed to visit the fortress, a police station, a prison for especially dangerous elements of society. At this time, Fort is a historic memo and decoration of Larnaca. In the middle of the historical museum, in which the ancient things are assembled - the memos of antiquity, the church items of the Middle Ages, an amazing collection of weapons. From the roof of the fort there is a wonderful view of the city and the embankment. The price of a ticket is 5 euros.

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6. Museum Pieridisa

Zenon Pieridis was indigenous Cypriot and the mayor of Larnaca. He was at the disposal of the city of his house, in which the museum was created. The whole family of Pieridios was engaged in collecting for six generations. During this time, they managed to collect more than two thousand exhibits, which are colorfully talked about the history of the development of Cyprus from the times of Neolith to the nineteenth century. Yes, and the house itself pleases the eye with its unusual architecture. Near the museum there is a souvenir shop, in which you can stock up with gifts for relatives and acquaintances. The mode of operation of the museum on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00 (lunch from 13.00 to 15.00), on Saturday - from 9.00 to 13.00, on Sunday - from 10.00 to 13.00. Ticket price - 3 euros.

I wish you a pleasant pastime in Larnaca and vivid impressions!

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