Rest in Agios Nikolaos: Tourist reviews


Greece I dreamed of visiting for a very long time! Therefore, the journey planned extremely painstakingly - in advance to study the program for every day of our holiday, found contacts in social networks, where you can rent a car, and planned the route of our holiday.

Rest in Agios Nikolaos: Tourist reviews 49805_1

Hotel We took the most unassuming - 3 *, clean and comfortable, for the night quite this is enough! After all, there are so much that you can and need to look! The trigger was worth about 60,000 rubles for two with departure from Nizhny Novgorod and the power is incorporated. The town itself is just a miracle, narrow streets, vulisma lake in the center, a huge amount of yachts, the embankment, the archaeological museum, wonderful views of the mountains, Mirabeth bay ... The beaches of sandy, purest, entering the sea is excellent. Agios Nikolaos We chose not only because of the concentration of sights near, but also a stormy nightlife! Probably everyone heard that this city is called local San Tropez. The day here is really very calm, and at night exactly the opposite.

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The excursion just needs to be visited - on the island of Spinalong. You can, by the way, by your foot on the boat. The whole island is turned down the fortress, we rose there to the very top - just a crazy view of the bay, the mountains! Words do not convey. It is said that it is terrible here to walk along the deserted streets of an ancient destroyed city, but we did not feel anything like that.

Rest in Agios Nikolaos: Tourist reviews 49805_3

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