Rest in Dresden: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Dresden?


The amazing city, the magical, belonging to the world of beauty and fabulous atmosphere - all this about Dresden, the capital of German Saxony. The city, located just 20 km from the Czech border, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. His majestic architecture, impressive museum collections, a picturesque area - everything speaks in favor of seeing "Florence-on-Elbe" with its own eyes, as Dresden, famous historian Johann Gottfried Gerder called Dresden. Actually, this name, this city, in the early 19th century, firmly entrenched, and so far, Dresden is proud to be the title of German Florence.

Rest in Dresden: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Dresden? 49512_1

Having arrived here at least once, you understand that you can fall in love not only in a person, but also to the city. He conquers at first glance with some elusive power, elegant grace and amazing for such a large city as peacefulness.

Walking along his streets, it is difficult to imagine that it was practically destroyed during the Second World War. A real feat was performed by people who managed to restore their heritage in grains. Dresden Altstadt (Altstadt) deserves special attention - an old town, which simply amazes the number of historical attractions and cultural values. This is the Dresden Opera famous for the whole world, and the magnificent Zwinger complex, and much more. And the opportunity to visit the Dresden Gallery and see the canvas of outstanding artists - whether it is not true pleasure and happiness.

In addition, Dresden is the largest industrial and technological center of Germany. And among other things, here you can also truly passionately and high-quality shopping.

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Thus, if you want to get an unforgettable experience of the journey, combine a pleasant with useful, to get acquainted with Germany, make purchases, try a good national cuisine and touch the world of beautiful, Dresden is perfect for you.

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