What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places.


Of course, Hydelberg himself is quite sufficient for a tourist. But around the city there are goals for travel, more than worth attention. Here are just some of the features.

Speair Cathedral.

What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places. 49478_1

Schpeier city is located 29 km from Heidelberg on A5 or A61 autobahn. Running time approximately 45 minutes This region is called Palatinate on the opposite bank of the Rhine. The city is 2000 years old. I founded the settlement in its place more Celts. The main attraction of the city is a cathedral. The full collection name: Kaiser- Und Mariendom Zu Speyer (Imperial Marian Cathedral in Sperer). This is the largest of the preserved buildings in the Romanesque style in the world! The cultural heritage of UNESCO. The cathedral was the center of the power of the Salilla (Franconian) Dynasty of Kaisers. It buried 8 German kaisers and kings. Cathedral hours: April-October. 9-19, from November-March 9-17. A visit to the cathedral is completely necessarily for any cultural person, such a cathedral is unique!

In Spajir, there is another interesting museum of the history of the Palatz and the Museum of winemaking and a fairly interesting Museum of Technology.

Castle and Castle Garden Schurvtsingen.

What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places. 49478_2

This is a summer residence of Karf Teodore. Located 11 km. from Heidelberg. You can even get there to be tram from Bismarkplatz, with a generous in Eppelheim. Lovely Castle of the Baroque era, altered, however, the fortress. In today's form, it was rebuilt after several destruction between 1699 and 1714. The garden is divided into French sample, the second part of the garden on the contrary, English. And the garden of the turret, bathing, minaret and other romantic buildings. If you walk the garden, then this walk will turn about 5.5. km. From April and until May, the Schurvtsingen festival is held in the castle. Both the castle and the garden are included in the cultural heritage of mankind of UNESCO. In the castle, by the way, there is a hotel. A visit to the castle will cost you 10 euros and 25 euros there is a family ticket. In summer, the castle and the garden work without days off, the entrance until 19.30.

Monastery Maulmbron and half-timbered buildings in Kraichga.

What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places. 49478_3

It was here, in the Cistorian monastery, the Swabian "Pelmeni" was invented. Open to schoze from 9.00 - 17.30 hours. It is about an hour of driving from Heidelberg. The cultural heritage of mankind is included in the UNESCO lists. From the point of view of architecture, this is a transition from a romance style to late Gothic. And the amazing church called "paradise", you can wander around the monastery yard ... A visit to the monastery will cost you at 7 euros.

On the way to the monastery it is worth a little collapse from the road and to drive to Kraichga. Just go through the guidebook, because there are many castles: Bruchzal Castle, Fortress Steinberg, Citadel Surrounded by Rib with Dai Echtersheim and Bad Lacheneau Castle

City Mante (in the old Russian transcription: mannheim).

There is an ironic German expression, which in Russian sounds approximately as: "Quadratically, practical, excellent" - this is just about Manheim. Addresses and he sound like: "Q3" und "N5. This is a neighboring city with Hydelberg, you can get here not only by a car or train, but also just the line of the S-Bahn high-speed trail. Ment of the Imposteen impressive residence of the beginning of the 18th century, the university. There is a good shopping in the city. At the intersection of the street C5 and D5 Riss Museum. This is actually a few museums, not far from each other. There is still a State Gallery of Arts (Moltkestr. 9 / Friedrichsplatz), Land Museum of Engineering and Labor (Museumsstr. 1), Planetarium (Wilhelm-Varnholt-Allee 1). A visit to Museums The Germans is ironically called an "alternative to bad weather."

In the footsteps Mark Twain.

You can also prefer this trip yourself on your own, car or bicycle. At first, you leave from the mouth of Nekar (10 km), then to the fortress on Mount Dilberg (13 km), to the town of Necharshtayn (13 km), to Hirschhorn (16 km) and another 20 km you will reach the famous Monastery Eberbach. The route is exclusively romantic. In Eberbach Monastery, for example, the film "Rose Name" film was shot, there is a great and very famous winery. And the monastery itself played when it is a huge role, controlling the winner on the Rhine!

Mountain fortification Dilberg Bergfeste Dilsberg) can be seen far from afar. Today it is part of the town of Narcarghemund. He was built in the 12th century, Graff von Lowffen. During the 30th time of the war, he was assigned by the army of General Tilly. Under the fortifications at a depth of 46 meters there is a source. From April to October, the fortress is open to a visit.

Wine roads and that they are still interesting.

What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places. 49478_4

This is a standard one-day excursion. First, it is convenient to reach Neustadt. Noytadt. The bus is already on the bus you can get to such famous wine places as Edekin, Daidesheim, Vahenheim and Bad Dukheim. The road to Neuheim will take about an hour by car.

In Neustadt herself it is worth a Khambakh castle spaced on the hills. He was destroyed by the French in 1689. In the history of Germany, he is known for the fact that in 1832 the current flag of Germany raised over it: black and red-gold as a symbol of civil liberties. There is still a museum of steam locomotives and you can ride a real locomotive over a sightseeing tour (Kuckucksbähnel Neustadt) through Palatinate. The locomotive ticket is better to order in advance!

Well, of course, it is very interesting to see how the wine makes, try the wine jelly, the Thresterbrand is nothing more than a chacha, buy a good wine vinegar.

Flowering gardens.

To such a landscaped tour, it is good to travel in spring to the Ladenburg district (12 km from Heidelberg to the south) and Weinhacma (22 km). You can ride on the bike, look at the flowering of cherry and almond. And you can drive around the bus. From Bismarkplatz to Srisheim about buses 628 to Weinheim. In the town you can watch the castle park, just walk ...

Swimming on the ship.

What is worth viewing in Heidelberg? The most interesting places. 49478_5

The shipping company is called Weiße Flotte (Weiss Flotte, that is, white flotilla). If you swim by Odenwald by Necharu, then everything looks differently: forests, towns, villages. Nohar flows into the Rhine and you can take a one-day MLM trip to use the linear message between Heidelberg and Nearsmetinbah. There are sightseeing trips to Eberbach, between Rockieau and Hirschorn gateways. In addition, the trial is charged to goals on the Rhine: Worms, Eltville, Ridesheim, St.Gar and Loreney (this is already Raineau). About opportunities it is better to know in advance


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