What is worth viewing in Würzburg? The most interesting places.


Würzburg is located in the south of Germany, on the territory of the federal land of Bavaria. According to these standards, it represents the middle size in size (its population is more than one hundred and thirty-five thousand people). The city is located on the banks of the River Main.

In the Middle Ages, Würzburg was a rather rich city (there was a residence of the Archbishop, and active trade was carried out), therefore many historical monuments of the time remained on its territory.

Würzburg is more convenient to inspect themselves, in principle no excursions are required for this. The city is not too big, so you will be quite able to walk on it, and the main attractions are concentrated in its historic center.

Archbishop residence

One of the most famous sights of Würzburg is the archbishop residence, which is one of the most famous palaces of Germany and all of Europe. The building of the palace refers to the 18th century, and the design of the building was engaged in one of the most outstanding artists and masters of that time. In particular, the largest fresco in the world is represented in the palace. The number of rooms in the palace exceeds three hundred, but only about 40 premises are open to visitors.

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Attention deserves and a small, but very well-kept garden, which is in front of the residence - if you get to Würzburg in the spring, summer or autumn, you can admire blooming plants. We were very impressed with the square with a fountain, which is located in front of the palace - a very atmospheric place where you can take a picture.

The palace is located in the very center of the city, so it is easily accessible. It works without days off, and the cost of the entrance ticket amounts to 11 euros for adults (students and children is cheaper).

Old Most

The attention of the city of city attracts the old bridge, which connects the fortress with the city center. At the sight, it looks like Charles Bridge in Prague - on the sides of the bridge there are statues depicting saints, as well as kings and bishops, which left their mark in the history of Würzburg. The bridge is very beautiful, passing around him as if you get far into the past, but unfortunately, it is always filled with tourists, so we didn't work out photos without other people. Length of the bridge - 179 meters.

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For believers and those who are simply interested in the architecture and decoration of churches, it will be nice to know that in Würzburg (as well as in the overwhelming number of medieval cities in Germany) there is a significant number of old churches and cathedrals built in different periods and representing completely different samples of architecture - from Romanesque and early-color styles to late Gothic.

Cathedral of St. Killiana

In addition, the Cathedral is located in Würzburg, which refers to the most important Romanesque cathedrals in all Germany. Its construction began in the 11th century, but then his appearance has undergone various changes - elements in the style of gothic were added to it, and then in a baroque style. We were struck by the inner decoration of the cathedral - it contrasts very strongly with its sufficiently strict appearance. Inside the cathedral is decorated in the Baroque style, so you can admire gold and stucco. The Cathedral has a body, and in the church there are concerts of organ music, which can get anyone - just buy a ticket.

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Church of St. Burkhard.

This church is famous primarily by the fact that is the most ancient temple of the city. It was built during the early middle ages. Inside the statue of Madonna, created by the famous medieval sculptor named Tilman Rimenshneider. In addition, it is the relics of Burkhard himself, which according to legend, cure people from various diseases.

Capella Virgin Mary.

This church stands on the site of the synagogue, which was destroyed during the Jewish pogroms in the Middle Ages. Capella Virgin Mary is built in the style of late Gothic. Inside the church, you can admire the bas-reliefs, depicting Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Fortress Marienberg

The old fortress is also one of the symbols of Würzburg and one of the most famous castles of Bavaria. It was built in the 13th century. The oldest building on the territory of the fortress is the Church of St. Mary. It is from her a fortress and received its name.

The fortress offers a magnificent view of the city, as it is located on the hill. At the same time, the fortress itself is visible almost from anywhere in the city. You can go to the fortress on foot, but immediately it is worth considering that it is not so easy - it will have to go up for quite a long time, and your path will pass through narrow streets. At the foot of the fortress there is parking for motorists (paid, of course).

The fortress towers above the level of Main 100 meters.

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On Marienberg, it can be admired even outside - powerful fortress walls create the impression of a real medieval fortress. In the spring, summer and autumn time, Marienberg walls are covered with vegetation, so it looks even more attractive.

Inside the fortress, museums are museums - the Museum of the Main (this is the river) and the Franconia Museum (Franconia is the historical region in Bavaria, in whose territory such a nationality, like francs, actually, actually named).

Right in Marienberg there is a small restaurant where you can have a cheap snack. Picturesque views are attached by the bonus.

Entrance to the territory of the fortress is free, but for visiting museums will have to pay.

Museum of X-ray

Although most of the attractions in my article refers to the historical, among the interesting places of Würzburg, the X-ray Museum can be called. Almost everyone in our time heard of X-ray rays, which allow the "shine" body of a person, but few know the scientist who opened such rays. His name is Conrad X-ray, and in the museum dedicated to him, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the laboratory, where he spent various experiments and experiments, see the cathode tube, with the help of which he opened X-ray radiation, and also inspect the first x-ray equipment, personal belongings physics , His letters and photos. The museum, of course, is small, but may well like those who are interested in physics.

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