What is worth viewing in Bavaria? The most interesting places.


The history of these lands is so rich that I even fear to start it to describe in order not to make a mistake and not get confused in my thoughts. Are you associated with Bavaria? Probably with two things - beer and football. Do you know that Bavaria is still very saturated with attractions and interesting places that should be seen in these places. To my regret, I hardly have to describe all local interest, but I will try the best.

Neuschwanstein Castle . Gorgeous creation! This is the real fabulous castle. It is so popular among tourists that only with one of this castle, Germany receives annual fabulous profit. Do you know that this castle was the prototype of the sleeping beauty castle, which is located in Paris Disneyland, and also served as the source of Tchaikovsky's inspiration during the creation of the legendary ballet "Swan Lake". Amazingly true? Especially if you consider also the fact that this castle embodied the love of Ludwig second to the music works of Wagner. At the very beginning, I wrote that this is a fabulous castle. Do you know why? If you look at it from afar, it is difficult to believe that it is real, because it is very much similar to the toy. Sitting closer, you begin to understand that this is not a fairy tale, but the most real dizzying reality. The inner decoration of the castle, luxuriously before inappropriate, which makes it even more similar to the fabulous and not real. Finishing the castle, the work of the hands of human, but not simple, and theatrical, perhaps that is why there is a feeling of fabulous scenery. Over the royal bedroom alone, which is made in the style of late Gothic, worked about four and a half years to fifteen the best wood masters, what to talk about the castle as a whole. Although some numbers and facts, I still name. Castle was built within seventeen years. At that time, the castle was considered equipped with the latest engineering technologies. And you know why? At that time, the castle was the most modern and advanced heating system, and the castle's kitchen was a real miracle, since it was equipped with a water supply, which was not only cold, but also hot water! If you are in the local places, then be sure to start your excursion program, it is from Neuschwanstein's castle.

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Castle Hohenschwangau . This is the second most popular excursion object, to which about three hundred thousand tourists from all over the world arrives annually. The architectural feature of the castle is that it is made in a neo-style style. It was built on the command of the Bavarian king Maximilian second in the nineteenth century. Above the creation of the project, this excellent structure, the architect Domeniko Qualo is worked in those days. The castle was used as a summer royal residence. In the same castle, young and at that time, the future king Ludwig second, met a genius composer Wagner, whose works and now fascinate music lovers. I will try to describe in a nutshell, then the magnificence that you will see step by the territory of the royal residence. In the courtyard of the castle, there is a sophisticated and very beautiful fountain in the form of a noble and faithful bird, swan. The first floor of the castle is notable for the fact that there is a bedroom made in oriental style, which once served with a crowded for Maria Prussian. On the second floor of the castle, there is a swan knitting hall. The walls of the hall, decorate the frescoes and paintings in compliance with the topic of Swan Knight Loengrine. The third floor, hides behind its doors the most overall premises - the hall of the receptions and the royal chambers.

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Bridge Mary. . If you decide to visit the first attraction in my list, then your excursion will certainly begin with this place, since the most stunning view of the castle opens from this bridge. The name of the bridge was given in honor of Mother Ludwig Second, Princess Prussian, Mary Frederiki. The design is made in a very sophisticated style and connects two cliffs among themselves, which in turn form the Gorge of Pellat, at the bottom of which a small mountain river Pellalatbach flows. Standing on the bridge of Mary, you begin to fight with myself, because the fear of the height, and the height is decent and is ninety-two meters, makes itself felt and knees will become involuntarily. I advise you not to look down, and admire what is at the level of the eye and above, so in my opinion less scary. Moreover, it is really here to look here. On the one hand, from the Mary bridge, hypnotically fascinates forty-five meter waterfall, and on the other hand, a magical panorama opens on a castle that dries in greenery on a strict background of rocky mountains. It is noteworthy that the bridge itself was built before the fabulous castle appeared here, and initially it was wooden, but the metal structures that we can see to this day were strengthened in 1866. Ludwig second, during his youth, very loved the local places and the bridge was no exception. Perhaps the incredible panorama that opens from the Mary's bridge and became the main component in the adoption of the construction of a fabulous castle, precisely on the place where he was built.

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Lake Kenigsee . This reservoir is also called the royal lake. This lake is the deepest and cleanest in the territory of all Germany. The maximum mark, the depths of the lake Bartalomeusee (it is also called it), is one hundred ninety meters. The lake surrounds the high mountains, the largest of which is Watzmann. The height of this mountain is 1874 meters. The lake is in a mild climatic zone and that is why tourists visit him all year round. And visit him! And you know why?

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Well, first of all, there is an excellent climate and stunning nature, and in the second place, there are mineral springs with healing water. And not far from the lake, the famous Hitler Residence is located - "Orlinic Nest". This residence presented the Führera on his fifty-year-old anniversary. Since the lake is included in Berchtesgaden National Park, it is not difficult to find it.

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