What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places.


Last year, rest in Vietnam - drove all Vietnam from north to south. The end point was Ho Chi Minhmin, from there the plane was supposed to carry me into the groaning Moscow. Unfortunately, on the inspection of the Ho Chi Minhime, I had very little time - one and a half day, but the city was needed. It is better, of course, to live here at least three days to feel everything, but if you are limited in time, here are the main places that you can see, being in this largest city of Vietnam.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_1

The first where I went to Ho Chi Minh City - it's in Notre Dame Cathedral . Yes, yes, you did not hear. It was in the Cathedral of Notre Dame - a piece of France in Vietnam. This is a reduced copy of the Cathedral in Paris. French colonialists, set the task to bypass the beauty of the local Buddhist temples, and instill to local residents to the beautiful. Brick for construction specifically brought from France. The cathedral is very beautiful. The entrance is free. If you find yourself in Ho Chi Minh City Sunday, I advise you to go to the morning Mass at 9:30 - get aesthetic pleasure.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_2

Another place of religious orientation, which I really liked and which will be interested to visit - Temple Thiene How. . It is in the Chinese quarter. This is a cheerful structure, decorated in a traditional Chinese style. The entrance is free. If there is a desire, you can buy a bird in a cage and release it to freedom - very symbolic act.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_3

Well, the last temple I visited was the largest Buddhist temple - Vin Ngiem . This is a traditional pagoda. It is beautiful with its rigor. The pearl of this place is the Tower of Pagoda, which consists of seven tiers. All buildings are in full harmony with the surrounding nature, literally inscribed in it. Here you will find this peace.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_4

Ho Chi Minhine or Saigon (as this city used to be called and so far, many of it is called it) a very hard past. And it could not but affect the culture of the city. There are many museums here, who are dedicated to this terrible event - the War in Vietnam, which claimed the life of hundreds of thousands of people. This is not the sights, it is a reminder - a call for all people, about how the fragile and the world is important.

The most impressive in Ho Chi Minh City is Tunnels Kuchi. . They are close to the city and about them a lot of information. I did not attend them, I can't say anything, but those who went there, liked the excursion.

I got B. Museum of Relic War . I will say right away that it may not be comfortable enough to impressive people. Too many candid photos, video chronicles. All the horrors of the war appear before your eyes. Very severe sight. In the surrounding park, the exposition of military equipment is exhibited. Entrance to the museum 1 dollar.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_5

But on the local flea market where the various military attributes sell, it is necessary to go to the Council. Here you can buy different things for very little money. Flags, helmets, helmets, badges, flasks - in general, fully equipped. The market is called "MILITARY MARKET".

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_6

Well, I completed my day quite peacefully - went to Presentation of the puppet theater on water . Price 5 dollars, performance daily from five pm to half of the seventh. Yes, it is clear that the puppet theater is not for an adult, and more for a child. But this view in Ho Chi Minh City is so professionally set, so colorfully that it simply captures the spirit. All dolls are handmade and each is absolutely unique. Be sure to go if it is possible, regardless of how old you are.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_7

That ended my day in Ho Chi Minh City, finally, I jumped on the night market, bought souvenirs and, without feeling my legs, went to the hotel. I really wanted to get into the zoo, amusement park and in the circus. But it was necessary to say goodbye to this city. It is impossible to call it, but this city has its own face and his character who came to the soul.

What should I see in Ho Chi Minh City? The most interesting places. 49215_8

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