Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money?


That's just worth trying to try from Vietnamese cuisine - it is a bowl FO . In each region of Vietnam, its own methods of cooking this dish, but in most restaurants, FO is preparing for one recipe that has been many years. In general, Fo is noodles and meat soup.

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The origin of this soup is foggy, but it clearly appeared under the influence of other kitchens. Someone says that this is the younger brother of French stew from beef, while others argue that the Cantonese roots (due to the presence of noodles and Chinese spices). In any case, the dish is now exactly typically Vietnamese and you need to try it.

In the southern part of the country, where Ho Chi Minhine is distributed option FO - Pho Nam This is the complete opposite of the soup option in the north.

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In Hanoi, for example, there must be beef and broth, and it is better only that, and dried squids or even chicken bones for fragrance are added to the soup in Saigon. You can even ask to add something like that in some restaurants. But in any case, the FD should be a white rice noodle and sliced ​​meat. And in the soup they swim pieces of onions, kinse twigs and sliced ​​green onions. There are either Thai (thin slices of raw beef, brrr) or us (slightly roasted flat pieces of beef), and more arrogant can order such additives like Gan (beef tendon), GAU (oily breast), Bo Vienne (beef meatballs) , SAH (scar) or vene (meat and cartilagers).

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_3

The most "meat" and satisfying options are Pho Thap Cam and Dac Biet. Or try FO G. , only with chicken - easier version.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_4

Well, what is not our chicken soup?

In the north, pho soup can pour Chile's sour-sweet sauce, sprinkle with Thai basil, add chopped pickled garlic. Southerners add a cilantro, mustard leaflets, bean sprouts, lime, sweetish chili sauce, and in some restaurants there are fiery Spring sauce. Best of all such a soup goes with pieces of fried bread.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_5

Anyway, the BBF is from 20,000 dongs, and from 30,000 in tourist areas. If you are in Fam Ngu lao, look at the restaurant "PHO QUYNH" (323 Pham NGU Lao, District 1), which works around the clock, and portions of pho there are huge and tasty. And you can also go to the restaurant called "Pho 24" - this is today something like Vietnamese McDonalds - this restaurant is on every corner of the city (for example, at 271 Pham NGU Lao).

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_6

The most famous FO-restaurant - "PHO 2000", who called themselves the place where the "FD for the President" is preparing (because there was somehow Bill Clinton himself.

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But then, nevertheless, not the best FD (as well as in "Pho 24"), besides, often in these restaurants are very high. In addition, due to the popularity of these restaurants, it may be necessary to stand in line, sometimes nothing. "PHO 2000" is also popular because it stands through the street from the Ben Thhan market, and everyone is breaking here after shopping. Whereas in "Pho 24" you can easily give out that they do not have ... soup pho. Seriously?

To avoid all these incidents, we are going from the city center to the area 3, where you will find the best FD restaurants in the city. In particular, "Pho Anh" (8-10A KY DONG, W.9) or "Pho Hoa" (260c pasteur). Everything is here without excesses, and 25,000 VND for a bowl of soup is the limit. Even when restaurants are crowded, you will still find the place, and in the queue you will have to defend the maximum of two minutes.

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Another interesting soup - Bun Bo Hue. . This is a simpler soup than FD, with fewer options.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_9

First of all, it is more acute soup with added lemongrass, noodles and a sliced ​​beef, as well as a Chinese sausage, greenery and beans sprouts. Noodles round and slippery, so it's better not to wear a white T-shirt if you try this soup - one hundred percent is played! However, this is a very popular soup, and simplicity makes it one of the most common street dishes. The plate of this soup also costs 20000-30000 VND.

Next soup Hu Tieu. , one more with a lot of varieties. This soup consists of light pork broth with pork pieces, Chinese sausage, bean sprouts, green onions and thin white rice noodles. Instead of thick noodles, you can try a thin yellow egg noodle or ramen. You can also ask add to shrimp soup, quail eggs or small wintons.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_10

This popular soup can be easily found on most of the streets of the city. Self-on the street is separate here such trolleys with this soup. By the way, it is cheaper than the previous ones, that is, in the region of 10,000 dongs and less often about 20,000 dongs.

If you urgently need to try something like this, try one of the rare Saigon soups, CANH BUN.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_11

In appearance, this dish is very bright, due to the orange rice noodle, which is much thicker than in other soups. The color is not the only thing that this soup allocates from a number of similar: it is added to it of crab meat. Plus Tofu, Chinese sausage, and a lot of chili paste - it turns out very tasty and sharp! To try this soup, you are best to go to the city markets. The plate of this soup costs from 20,000 to 35,000 VND.

Cold drinks seem to be more tastier where it is hot. This is about Ho Chi Minh. From ice beer to coffee, on the street here you can buy any drinks. But many tourists adore street smoothie . Trays offer a wide selection of fruits for this drink, from strawberries to more exotic fruits (such as Pighta) - all this is mixed with chicken ice, condensed milk and sugar.

Where can I eat in Ho Chi Minh City? How much money to take money? 49213_12

Be careful when ordering your cocktails in English - for example, if you say the seller you want mango, he can confuse it with Mang Kau (something like an apple). I think you do not own Vietnamese, so, the easiest way to simply point through the glass on a fruit or a picture. If the fruit you want is not on the shop window, just look for it in another stall - I will definitely find it! Prices, as a rule, fluctuate between 10,000 and 20,000 VND per glass, but sometimes you can find for less money.

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Next to the carts with a smoothie sometimes put plastic chairs so that you can enjoy a drink calmly. And the juice can pour into the bag so that you can take it with you.

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