What is worth viewing in Cancun?


At the end of 2012 in Cancun, right on "seven", opened Museum Maya. which was built for 6 years. There are already 15 million "green" in it, but he probably stands. We, having arrived in a couple of months after its discovery, hardly found the museum, because, as it turned out, neither the local people nor the employees of the tourism industry were not aware that there is such a museum in Cancun. Some of those we have tormented on the subject of his location, did a thoughtful look and "recalled", which seems to be built somewhere somewhere, but where is the question of issues. I tell: it is located along the long side of the "seven", next to the hotel Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas.

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Actually the museum makes a worthy impression. Such a Pinakotek has long followed to open in Cancune, because not everyone is ready to spend precious days of spruce on the country's expanses. Here you can get some review of the information in a short time in a limited area. The huge minus of the freshly open museum is that there is not a single comment in English. Why do Mexicans believe that Spanish is overnight to turn into a language of international communication, and every tourist coming to Mexico, he speaks Spanish temple? The Museum exhibits artifacts found by archaeologists over the past 30 years, as well as exhibits from private collections.

San Miguelito Archaeological Area The Mayan Museum is located in the territory, looks like a licked garden - very well-groomed mangrove jungle in the midst of Cancun, where the feeling of antiquity is completely lost. Explanatory signs in the Mangrove Forest are striking by primitiveness: for example, "forest", or "Well from which water took" (and what else can you take from the well?), Or "house", or "pyramid", etc. The impression is created that the aborigines themselves do not quite well understand what they dug out, and therefore, without the causticity of Lukovo, called the archaeological park with the name of the architect, who designed and built the Kakulkan Boulevard Yes, came across the ruins of the ancient buildings. The paths in the park are not thought out at all: first you go there, and then you return back in the same narrow path, along the way I have come across towards meetings.

In San Mgelito, you can relax perfectly, wander among impressive age-old trees and enjoy the delicious pedestal gasons. Mangrove trees are crazy with their unusualness, insane roots and incredible ability to tear each other and everything around, creating impassable thickets.

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In Cancun, there is an incredibly funny place - Tequila Museum Who is located in the Big Kukulkan Plaza shopping center - a 15-minute walk from La Isla. The museum was opened to the 40th anniversary of Cancun. Exhibits that are used during a cognitive lecture in the museum, completely toy, but neither the droplets do not spoil the impressions and no longer look stupid or absurd. But Tequila offered for tasting, and tecular-containing strong drinks - very real. The bartender very emotionally talks about Blue Agave and actually tequila, about the old way of its manufacture, which was used in the time of the conquists.

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Further on the list Neighborhood Cancuna . If you speak English (Russian guides-accompanying local companies seem to be), then you are straight here, to Josephine. I do not know the name of the tourist company, but will give a tip: they are sitting in the lobby of the Aquamarina Hotel. It was she who dissuaded us to go to Chichen-Itza on their own. You probably smirked now: it would still, she from the tour company and she need to sell excursions. It should be noted that the prices of this company are perhaps the lowest in Cancun. For comparison: Tour in Chichen-Itts They have a hundred pose cheaper than in any street tourist bureau on the coast. Zhosi in details signed me the cost of each my own step in the direction of Chichen-ITS, starting from the city bus, and compared with the cost of a ready-made excursion with a stop near the Cell, which could be offered. I argued, recalculated and, in the end, was forced to agree that its option is more profitable.

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Chichen-itza did not surprise, but shocked. Absolutely everything, you can not even get closer to one building, not to touch. And the fences are set at such a respectful distance that it is possible to consider the details and details only with ZOOM if you allow the specifications of your camera. On the territory of the Archaeological Zone, Chichen-Itts is currently presented "to the court of viewers", then you mean tourists, a few interesting ancient facilities: Actually the temple of Kukulkan, the temple of jaguars with wall paintings, the temple of warriors (also with paintings), the Sacred Senot, Observatory Karakol, The area is thousands of columns, several stadiums for playing the ball, as well as the statues of deities, platforms and separate stone fragments with carvings.

We did not get to the Holy Senot in Mayan Chiche: here it was also covered with access, as well as everywhere. Thank God, Senot in Chiche is far from the only one in his own way. Their number of their number is scattered across Yucatana, and in the Mexican jungle to this day there are many practically not studied sacrificial wells. We visited In a cave with one of these sensations . Transfer the uniqueness of this nature created by the cave with the help of the camera does not work, as we tried. Probably, such a miracle must be seen with its own eyes, enjoy the sacred spirit, to penetrate the atmosphere of religious space and listen to silence. A huge cave with a multi-meter arch, in the center of which the hole gaped - the very partially crushed ceiling. The sun shone brightly in the resulting openness, and water flows flowed from its edge. The water was quite clean, as, however, in all Yucatan sides. A catholic cross of a rather impressive sizes was installed on the stony shore in the distance, which was somewhat surprised - the religion of the Indians was paganism, idolatry. Somehow ridiculously looked the Christian shrine here in the "pagan church."

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No, of course, the Spaniards were installed forced in the temples of the Indian crosses, trying to inspire their religion to Aborighen. But the Catholic priests shakeped from Indian Cells, like damn items, therefore it is not clear how the cross found himself on these shores. The very edge of the natural well was built wooden platform from which you can jump into the water in order not to smoke from the height. I sat on the shore, chatted in the water with my feet and looked at the insane beauty around: from the very top was hung the grandiose stalactite formations, descended almost to the surface of the water, which fled the aqueous jets. In which, there must be a great location of the spirit of the Lord, when I created such a miracle!

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