Holidays in Alanya: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Food you are going to rest in Alania on the purchased trip through a travel company, the question of how to get to it should not be interested, since the tour. Operators carry out a complete transfer from the airport to the hotel. Those tourists who are going to travel on their own, I will tell you how it is better and cheaper to get to this resort. The first thing is the flight from your region to Antalya, in view of the fact that Gazipasa Airport, which is forty kilometers from Alanya takes not so many international flights and mostly all tourists arrive in Antalya.

Holidays in Alanya: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 4895_1

The flight and its cost depends on where you fly from. If there are no direct flights from your region, then usually the transplant will be at Istanbul airport, where you have to go through passport control. In the middle of April, charter flights are started, which can be in two, and even three times cheaper than a regular flight, and without transfers. This flight can be ordered through sites on the Internet or travel companies, which, in the event of a small number of passengers on such a flight, can provide you with such a service. And the price of a charter flight depends directly from free places in the aircraft. The smaller the passengers, the cheaper you can pay for the flight. For comparison, I can inform you with flight from Chisinau Airport. The passenger flight with a change in Istanbul is one end of about 200-220 dollars. The most expensive flight to Charter without a transplant costs as much, this is provided that all places are filled. But I did not rarely flew for 60 euros, that is, about $ 80, so capture the difference. From Moscow, my friends flew for 100 dollars, so compared to the price of a regular flight, the difference as you can see quite essential.

Next to Alanya can be reached by taxi, public or registered transport. Taxi from Antalya Airport to Alanya takes in the area of ​​100-120 dollars. Ride around one and a half hours. On public transport you can get much cheaper, although it is a little longer in time and not so comfortable.

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To do this, it is necessary to take a bus number 600, which stops directly before leaving the local terminal of the airport and drive to the station of long-distance buses going towards Alanya. To go to her for about ten minutes. The fare on the bus is two dollars. There you are transplanted to Dolmush, that is, a regular bus going to Alanya. The fare is about 12 dollars and go two or two and a half hours. Thus, reaching Alanya one person will reach $ 14, which is quite economical compared to other ways.

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There is another way to get from Antalya Airport to Alanya, this is a shuttle service. The cost of such a service depends on the number of people. If the number does not exceed three people, then the cost of the transfer will be 75 dollars, and for a minibus for six people will have to put 95 dollars. Transfers provide transport to 22 people. The VIP transfer service is also provided. You can order a service via the Internet, sites such firms are quite a lot, and prices can also be slightly different.

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You can of course get to Alanya on your transport, but for this it is worth considering gasoline prices, which in the European Union of Romania and Bulgaria costs one and a half euros per liter, and in Turkey herself two with an excess euro liter. From regions close to the Caucasus it is more profitable to go through Georgia, and many do it through Armenia and Iran, where the price for gasoline is currently 0.12 dollars per liter, and diesel fuel and at all 0.03 dollars, unlike Turkey, where liter costs more than two Euro. In addition to fuel, there will be transit or Schengen visas through the countries of the European Union.

Also in Alanya, you can get by the sea, how tourists from Western Europe are doing. Recent years between the seaport of Alanya and various European shipping companies were concluded agreement on cooperation in the Plan of Maritime Tourism, as a result of which even had to twist the berth zone. Thus, Alania was attended by more than 40,000 tourists from different countries last year, and this figure continues to grow.

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This is how the main opportunities independently get to the resort of Alanya, and the choice of one way or another depends on only from your desire.

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