What should you expect from rest in Livadia?


Livadia village is just a few kilometers from Yalta, almost on the outskirts. But such a remote location does not prevent Livadia to be one of the most expensive resorts of the Crimean Peninsula.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_1

It is here that all the most significant pensions, departmental sanatoriums and therapeutic - wellness pretractors are located. The same health complex with the same name "Livadia". So, this sanatorium is not only a place of pleasant stay on the sea coast, its main direction is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_2

And all this is possible due to the unique ecosystem, a wonderful climate and of course the healing sea air in combination with the aroma of cypress and the Altai cedar. After all, not in vain, at one time, the village of Livadia was chosen by the Romanov family as a summer royal residence.

The main attraction, so to speak the business card, the village is undoubtedly the Livadia Palace. The unique structure of the Krasnova architect, built in the early 19th century for the last Russian king Nicholas second. In 2011, this monument of cultural heritage celebrated the anniversary date - 100 years from the date of discovery.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_3

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_4

But not only the magnificent palace is worthy of the attention of tourists. The royal trail is drowning in fragrant greenery. In the afternoon, pyramidal cypresses and cedars are covered with strangers of the walking eyes, and in the evening they will mask the lovers in love.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_5

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_6

The length of the trail approximately seven kilometers. If you do not rush anywhere, and love hiking, following the path you can walk to the swallow socket. Wonderful recreation walk on one side and visiting the sights of Crimea on the other. Two in one.

Accommodation in the village, as mentioned above is somewhat expensive. If you arrived not on a trip to one of the boarding houses, not scary. There are enough places for living.

The price of a standard floor-suite room in hotels in the village varies in the 500 UAH area. Rooms are comfortable, in rooms Standard service set (TV, refrigerator, Internet) even air conditioning. The private sector also does not want to take positions, offering quite cozy apartments for two air-conditioned, a little cheaper - 300 UAH. (without a view of the sea). But overlooking the sea, the price will twice - 600 UAH.

Therefore, I would like to warn holidaymakers who are for the first time in Livadia for rest, do not book rooms in hotels, in the private sector via the Internet in advance. They are with cheating, and very large. Even in Simferopol, already at the station you will offer comfortable rooms, apartments for "some, pathetic 100 US dollars", telling that there is no cheaper. Do not believe. There is everything. Even more. If you look good, you can find and much cheaper accommodation at the price than I wrote above.

The benefit of us did not touch. We rested our last 12 days in the departmental boarding house, but the alignment on pricing policy is known from personal experience (we rest not the first time).

Sea. The sea in the Crimea is a fairy tale. Gentle, warm, and in Livadia also clean. The only thing that the road from the pension to the sea takes 30 minutes (this is if on foot on winding alleys). But, if you use the elevator - much faster. A unique product of mechanics. Elevator in the rock. Miracle.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_7

But he is paid. You are not ready to voice the price, I do not know. We were using the elevator for free, on the presentation of the sanitary and resort book of the boarding house. But the fact that no cheap pleasure is for sure. Most people went on foot. On the alleys, along the way to the sea, the mass of annoying sellers "every-way". From banal soaps to handmade souvenirs. And all for "mad money." Do not buy, in the village exactly the same crafts are twice as cheaper. Pebble beaches, not too wide.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_8

The entire coast of the village is divided between pensions, entrance to the beach for the same books or paid. What is pretty good. Less people, more space. The entertainment industry on the beaches is standard, as elsewhere. Starting from the hills, bananas, ending with water skiing and flights on a parachute for the boat. But again the price of entertainment is quite high, will be more than similar in Evpatoria or Adler.

I want to warn couples, vacationers with children. In the sea, old waveres and the fragments (rather large) near them, sometimes even fittings. And the sea is deep enough with sharp drops. With children need to be attentive.

As for cultural recreation, no problem. Excursions Indecent amount. Everyone can "attach" a group from any boarding house. On the boat, walk to the swallow jack, lifting on the rope to the top of the mountain ah-Petri, a trip to Bakhchisarai. All for every taste. I advise you to visit an organ hall in the village.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_9

It is unrealistic beautiful.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_10

The authority is not a piano or piano, it is an excellent sound, it must be placed.

Still that I want to advise the wine tasting from the Livadia Palace. The taste of wine is beautiful.

What should you expect from rest in Livadia? 4893_11

But ... when tasting, do not hurry to "nadigid" at the very beginning. Initially, wine in barrels are young and not very to taste. Try to reach the end. At the end of the cellar - the best wine, ancient and very tasty.

Rest with children will not be boring. Everything is provided. Babies have not forgotten. Not far from Livadia there are two wonderful children's recreation park. A small zoo. And the best go to the children's park "Valley of Fairy Tales". You yourself will be a great way to rest, and the children play a lot.

In general, a chic vacation. Definitely, this resort is worthless.

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