What currency is better to take with you in Pamukkale?


Since Pamukkale is visited mainly for the purpose of the excursion, there is no big need for money. What you may need money here. The first is the pool of Cleopatra, the visit of which is worth eighteen dollars.

What currency is better to take with you in Pamukkale? 4889_1

You can calculate any currency, as the ticket selling tickets will transfer this amount at the rate. There is also a museum, the entrance to which is five lire, which can be paid in dollars or euros again.

What currency is better to take with you in Pamukkale? 4889_2

If there is a desire, you can have a snack or drink beer at the bar next to the pool for which money may also be needed. In memory of Pamukkale, you can buy souvenirs in local shops, I even offered vintage coins near the entrance to the amphitheater of black diggers, although I strongly doubt their authenticity. We think with you a bank card I think it makes no sense, except if you are going to shop in various centers in which stopping while following in Pamukkale. It can be textile, carpet,

What currency is better to take with you in Pamukkale? 4889_3

What currency is better to take with you in Pamukkale? 4889_4

Wine or leather centers. Money may need to buy water in hot time. It is better to have a Turkish lira with you, but if there are dollars or euros, then there is no big problem in this. Rubles can also be calculated, but the course will not be very profitable.

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