Dubai - "locust well", which turned into the park of butterflies


Dubai is such a specific city, when meeting with which he or like, or not at all. Absolute opposite opinions heard of this city from friends and acquaintances. Dubai is so young that in many of his areas his final "face" has not yet been formed. Traveling through this city you understand only one thing: Dubai surprises with a scope and sizes. Buildings - skyscrapers, beaches - kilometers, shopping centers cannot be circumvented at a time, and the parks in the desert under the scorching sun seem to be completely unreal.

Dubai can not boast of a centuries-old history, just 60 years ago, instead of the city stood defense fort and several dozen huts around (now it is Diewa district).

What do you need to see in Dubai? Of course, the usual top attractions can be found in any guidebook. I will try not to repeat, and supplement this list:

1. There are several beaches in the city, one of them Jumeira Beach. The beauty of this beach is not only in its location and size, but also that in the evening you can observe stunning sunsets.

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2. In the Al Hamria area there is a park and a few huge beaches of Al Mamzar. In this park you can have a lot of fun in the picnic zone. For this purpose, everything that may be required to visitors are installed there: grill, table, umbrellas, shops, toilets and showers. Clean lawns are extended around, where, after a tasty lunch, it is possible to build an hour in the shade of the trees. The park is on a peculiar small peninsula and even at noon in the shade there is quite possible to relax. Light breeze is provided.

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3. In the subway, Dubai drivers are not. The first and last wagons are Gold Class. In these cars, people with the Golden Metro Card (travel) can ride, however, how many times have had to check, many times have been allowed to tourists. The main thing is not to abuse. Try to get to the first train car, for sure, will experience a lot of positive emotions, especially when the train will go over the earth in the business district of the city.

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