Rest on Balaton: tourist reviews


Rest on the coast of the Hungarian Sea, which is so called Magyars Lake Balaton, provide for most excursion tours to Hungary.

By the sea, the Balaton is called quite fair. First, it is really endless: from one shore of the lake to see the second maybe not always. Secondly, at the place of freshwater lake Millions of years ago, the salted sea was really located.

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The place where the best rest on the lake is the Tikhan Peninsula. Here you can not only lie down in the sun, plunge into the gentle translucent water of the lake, enjoy Balatonian landscapes, but also useful to spend time on cognitive excursions. It is impossible to divide the acting monastery - the Benedictine Abbey of St. Anyas, better known as Tikhansky. The authorized document of the abbey is considered the first written source in Hungarian, actually proving its existence.

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The history of the Tikhan Peninsula and with the history of Kievan Rus is intersect. The Hungarian King Andrash I and his wife Anastasia, Daughter of the Prince of Kiev Yaroslav Wise is buried on the territory of the Tikhan Abbey.

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