What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lisbon?


Where to stay in Lisbon - this question was very relevant with us for two months, when we were just going to go there.

There are no options for options: hotels and apartments.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lisbon? 4869_1

You will be tied to the hotel: Nutrition, some hotels you can not get at night, as in the student hostel - there was such an unpleasant case from friends. Price in normal hotels - from 50 euros.

So apartments. Say, this option is much worse than the hotel? No cleaning, no power, service? What for? You yourself can be removed if you need, cook what you need. And a huge plus - you can relax a large company. Kitchen - please. Bathroom - also there. And also animals of home can be brought. Sometimes Wi-Fi has in the apartment. Specify all this with the owners.

Advice for the choice of apartments: Be sure to carefully read the reviews about the selected apartments on sites (and not on one, but on a few). There may be no elevator in the house, so if you are with young children - specify this feature from the owners. If you arrived on your own car, check if there is a place for its parking near the house. The streets are narrow, so there may be no place in the courtyard, or to be something like that:

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lisbon? 4869_2

And now a little about what area to choose.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Lisbon? 4869_3

Belen is a historic area, and on the streets in the afternoon.

Baisha is a popular place for shopping. Many shops, restaurants. Green area.

Aguda is also a historic district. Near many museums. And nearby landscaped park. Bayru Alta - the area of ​​the picturesque. There are nightclubs, shops, and restaurants.

Shiada. Everything is permeated with romance. Needling the famous funicular.

Muari - in the area you can often see artists writing local landscapes.

These are not all areas of the city, but only the most popular. In which one to settle - choose you. But wherever you are accommodated, you will not be difficult to get to another area. Transport interchange in the city is good.

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