Useful information about the holiday in London. Tips for experienced tourists.


Recently, it came across the article that the United Kingdom is a distinctive country. I read and thought. In fact, every country is in its original. My husband and I were in London a year ago and I can't say that the inhabitants of the misty Albion differ too different from us.

Useful information about the holiday in London. Tips for experienced tourists. 48670_1

Yes, certainly there are some differences in etiquette, behavior manners and in communication, but this is quite natural. The British are very brought up and disciplined, it is especially felt in the queues. My husband and I went to the bank and a decent line was lined up. I do not like the queue, and my spouse does not like them a hundred times stronger. So if we are with my spouse, then everyone else stood calmly and behaved accordingly. Having stood about ten minutes, we witnessed a unique picture that we often can be observed everywhere. So, London, bank, queue. The doors open and the lady flies, clearly Slavic nationality, swells all the elbows, makes its way to the checkup, gets what she needs and leaves. We are shocked! The queue did not even picked! Imagine? Maximum what she got, it's oblique looks in the back. This is an excerpt!

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In addition to exposure, the British have a high level of politeness. Here it is customary to open before all the doors and skip forward. I wrote all, that is, not depending on the floor. The British are very smiling, just like the Japanese. In the UK, it is customary to talk with a smile even about the saddest things. Do you know why? The thing is that the smile is considered a symbol of mind, and constantly sad species gives a person whose mental abilities may question.

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The greeting is confirmed by the handshake, both between men and between women. In everyday speech, the magic words often heard - thanks, please, sorry and so on. Important! In the cafe or in the restaurant, or rather, most of them, it is customary to pay the order immediately. If you are lucky and you will get into the real English pub, you should remember that self-service is accepted in the pub, that is, the order must be done right at the bar counter and wait for the waiter does not make sense.

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Like other nationalities, the British do not like when in their personal life, strangers begin to intervene. Even if you really want to give advice to the local resident, refrain and show tacty. Also, I do not recommend to affect the topic of politics, money and call the inhabitants of the UK are not the British, but the British.

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Pets in this country occupy almost a cult place, so you at least need to learn to speak about hamsters for example, in the most positive tones radiating a benevolent intonation. I used to love my pets very much, but after my favorite cat disappeared, my love and even sympathy went to all animals. But the memory is a wonderful thing, as she helped me here.

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The article in which it was written about the originality, I read that in the UK it was not customary to ask questions for intimate topics. It is forced to disagree, because if you come on the street to passersby and begin to ask them about whether they have sex in the morning and how many times, it is quite natural that you can send you for that. But if with a British or a British make friends, they are actually very open and the topic of sex for them is not forbidden. So, for example, the husband met a man, let's call him Joe. This very Joe, after the week of friendship, being in a sober state and the perfect arrangement of the Spirit, told us that last year he visited the beach for nudists, and in his youth was a member of Swinger Club. Note that all this was said quite a daytic voice, which plunged us with a spouse in a light shock. Joe is a rather distinguished person, he has his own store, he is a widower, an adult daughter and so on. Es exclusively from his observations, I can say that the British are very open people with whom you can talk to any topics.

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Smoking in the UK is not too popular phenomenon and fight it in every way. It is impossible to smoke in public places. When booking a room in the hotel, it is better to ask in advance, whether it is possible to smoke in it. In addition to smoking, in the UK leads a fight with alcohol drinks, which sounds quite funny, since most of the local aborigines, they drive their evenings in pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants. Alcohol is located on a free sale until eleven o'clock in the evening on weekdays and from twelve day of the day to three in the evening, as well as from seven o'clock in the evening to half the eleventh night, on weekends. Alcohol and tobacco products, minors do not sell.

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Dressed in the UK, you can in any clothes that you like more, the most important thing that you would feel comfortable in it. The exclusion is fur coats and any products made of natural fur. It will not be fined and beat you for it will not be, but paint from the can, one hundred percent spoil spoiling your chic acquisition.

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Tips are given, and in the amount of ten percent. This applies to restaurants. Tips are still given in a taxi. Here you can give both ten percent and one pound. It is customary to give tips in the amount of half a pound for one transferred suitcase. It is customary to leave tips and at the hairdresser. If you liked the work of the master, his professionalism and so on, then you can thank the hairdresser, leaving him two pounds of tips. Tips are not taken to leave only two places - Pubs and refueling.

Useful information about the holiday in London. Tips for experienced tourists. 48670_10

Our men, have a not very pleasant habit - do not care on the street. Do not try to do this on the streets of London. British for such cases, carry napkins in his pocket, or in the sleeve. Also walking through the streets of London, try to behave calmly, kept restoring and not laugh too loud. In addition to loud laughter, the British may condemn and spend a loud speech, especially if you scream in a mobile phone. Do not make unknown animals from the Britons studying them with a close look, it will not like it to anyone. Do not pray for passersby, and if there is a need to ask a question, then do it politely and respectful.

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