What should I see in Leeds? The most interesting places.


Leeds is located in the Valley of the ER River and is considered one of the largest English cities. The city is not far from London and is equal to the eastern and west coast of England. A rather ordinary town keeps a fairly large number of places that will be interesting from a tourist point of view.

Lidz Castle. The castle is considered one of the most romantic places in the whole of the UK. The castle is located nadalevo from London, on the River Flax-related CENT. In the middle of the 9th century, the nobleman Lidien built here the first fortress, in honor of which the castle was called subsequently. In 1119, Robert de Kurer founded a stone structure here, and in 1278, the castle moved to English monarchum. Eduard I completed the castle and there were medieval English queens for three centuries.

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King Heinrich VIII, belonging to the tudor dynasty, was the most famous owner of the castle, during his stay, the windows in the Tudor style were completed here. To the island. Where the castle is located, leads the stone bridge, and the castle itself consists of a certain complex of buildings.

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In addition to the surprising and unique aritecture, the castle stores the primordial royal interiors, as well as family treasures. Moreover, beautiful parks, bird enclosures, vineyards, a labyrinth and grotto are preserved on the territory around the castle.

Since 1976, the castle became open to visits. In addition, there are various events such as weddings, conferences, private meetings and other events.

Kirkstol abbey. These are the ruins of the monastery of the Cistercian Order relating to the era of the Middle Ages. Based the abbey in 1152, which includes three translats with 3 charts, which are separated by thick walls. During the reign of Heinrich VIII, the abbey was closed, because all the monasteries began to dissolve.

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Closer to the 18th century, some ruins remained from the buildings, which are quite picturesque and attractive for artists-romantics. To date, the ruins are located in the public park. This is a very popular place among tourists, moreover, the Lida Shakespeare Festival is held here annually.

Cathedral of St. Anne. The Cathedral is the non-Catholic Temple, as well as the only Cathedral in Leeds. The Department of Bishop is located here. The church itself was built in 1838, and already in 1878 received the status of the cathedral. According to the project of the local architect, Istoda Henry, here built a new building of the Cathedral in 1904. In 2006, an old authority was restored here, and the relics of FR were placed in the altar. Peter Snow and Ralph Grimstone.

The neo-neutic style of the cathedral created from limestone and stone is very different and beautiful. Strict forms attract tourists and connoisseurs of architectural structures, as well as under guard.

Church of St. Peter. The church is the main Anglican Church of the city, and is also considered an old parish church. The church building has the shape of a cross and created from a gothic style of a gothic style. Forty meter tower decorates the North Priescity of the Church, and under it is the main entrance. The tower is very beautiful, because it consists of four tiers of different heights and decorated with deciduous ornament with counterphorts. The tower decorate hours and stained glass windows, and the bell tower consists of 13 bells. Every Friday is played by the authority. The church is very peculiar to some London facilities that look very majestically and mysteriously.

Town Hall in Leeds. The Town Hall is located on the Millennium Square, created by the project of Vincent Harris. In 1931, construction began, and finished only in 1933. In addition, the town hall was built during the Great Depression, and originally created it as an additional jobs. On its territory there are places that served as offices, banquet halls and council chambers. Today, there are also events of various focus and concerts.

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Royal Armory Chamber. This is a huge, and the oldest British museum, as well as one of the oldest world museums. It keeps unique collections of weapons and armor, which are divided into three parts. Firearms, artillery, armor and cold weapons. Moreover, all three collections are located in different cities. In Portsmouth, there is a museum of artillery, in Leeds - Armory, and in Tower - cold weapons and armor. Some of the collection is located in the USA, in Louisville.

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This is an amazing place, because the weapons of all eras and countries are kept here. In addition, the Armory Collaborates with the police and puts the task of enlightening and organization.

Harwood House. The Palace of the Harwood Family is created in the style of classicism and is listed in the Lists of the UK architectural heritage. Robert Adam and John Carr designed a structure since 1759-1771. Charles Brown and Lancelot Brown created a garden and a large terrace, as well as a unique landscape dasine garden.

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And, despite the fact that today the owner of the county remains the seventh Count Harfood, the county is publicly available to lovers of architecture and tourists. The building itself and the territory of the park are closed, but tourists can visit the Himalayan garden and a bird garden. Bird garden is home to more than 90 varieties of birds, among which there are exotic - Penguin Humboldt, Parrot Macau, Chilean Flamingo and others. Many species of birds are extinct, so the Association of Great Britain Zoos and Ireland is trying to create all the necessary conditions for preserving these species.

Roundhey Park . One of the most amazing proud parks in all over Europe. The impressive territory on which the park is located about 3 square kilometers. Plot of forest, flower beds, striking plantings are adjacent to part of the animal world, in which there are reptiles, marine inhabitants, butterflies.

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Surprisingly, on its territory there is a garden for the blind, with specialized flavored paths and instructions with braille font. Artificial ruins of castle gates give the park atmosphere of mystery and romanticity, from which tourists come to delight.

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