Rest in Liverpool: pros and cons. Should I go to Liverpool?


The Motherland of the world famous group of Beatles, the Cultural European Capital of 2008, as well as one of the largest English cities - Liverpool. As you have already guessed it is not just a city, this is an amazing place, especially in terms of tourism and travel. If we take into account only the Chinatown, then you can already say with confidence that the trip here will be unambiguously fascinating. And this, not to mention the rest of the sights of Liverpool.

Rest in Liverpool: pros and cons. Should I go to Liverpool? 48629_1

Liverpool is the administrative center of Merserside County, which is located in the Delta of the Mercy River. Founded as a small coastal village, Liverpool received urban status only in 1207, and the first mention of it belong to the end of the 12th century. The city occupied a special position with which his subsequent development was associated. But the thing is that the city actively led trading with Europe, India, as well as with Ireland. At the beginning of the 19th century, about half of the world turnover took place through the port routes of Liverpool. All this contributed to the active development of the city, and also increased its importance throughout the UK. Moreover, the port status of the city significantly influenced the ethnic composition of the population, its language and cultural features. In general, the British are often referred to as skouesters, the origin of the name from the local dish is a potato stew of scauca.

The climatic conditions in the city are soft enough, in the winter season, the temperature is on average about +1, +2 degrees, and in the summer months it rarely rises above +19 degrees. Therefore, the stay here will be just wonderful absolutely at any time of the year, of course, with the exception of particularly rainy autumn months.

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The Liverpool's transport system is well developed. The river constantly pass ferries, in the vicinity of the city there is a John Lennon Airport, and the city transport network allows tourists with ease of move around the city. In addition, the seaport of the city is still considered a large transport hub that recrets not only cargo, but also passengers to Ireland and Island of Man.

Tourist flows are not for nothing they are sent to Liverpool, because it is a very interesting and comprehensively developed city in which there is a lot of mysterious and beautiful. The port city is distinguished by the 18th century buildings. And, although, the city is already over eight years old, the old buildings are not survived here, because the city experienced a rather serious crisis after the war, which was a terrible devastating force on all Territories of Great Britain. The most interesting attractions of the city can be found in the Albert-Doc area, which, besides, is one of the main city symbols. Here, tourists usually get acquainted with the true Victorian English, which opens all their secrets and the history of the long forgotten past. On the territory of the largest dock of the country there are all sorts of shops, cafes, souvenir shops and many other things. In the southern part of Hannover Street, too, a lot of all exciting, because in the past there were huge ship cables.

Rest in Liverpool: pros and cons. Should I go to Liverpool? 48629_3

Anglican and Catholic cathedrals, museums, architectural buildings along with modern solutions, allow tourists to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity. There are also unique areas, for example, the Black District of the city - Grab-Tokstete, which exists here from the distant 18th century. Although today, this area is almost completely rebuilt, and old buildings expect serious reconstruction and restoration.

Lovers of cultural recreation is worth visiting galleries and exhibitions, as well as beautiful city museums. For example, the Merciside Port Museum, or the very original Customs Museum and excise, in which tourists get acquainted with the persecution of smuggling, until today.

Rest in Liverpool: pros and cons. Should I go to Liverpool? 48629_4

The city also has a London branch of the famous Tate Gallery, a Walker Art Gallery, which presents the pictures of Rubens, Poussin and other famous Impressionist artists.

In addition, Liverpool is famous for its active nightlife, because there is a sufficiently large number of nightclubs in the city, in which the music does not cease to the first sunlight. For young people, this is a very significant incentive that makes come here again.

Many tourists and travelers prefer to visit Liverpool for exploring the world-famous Bitles group. Matthew Street, this is the location of the club called the Kaverne Club, in which the Bitles played for the first time. Although before it was just a small podber, in which the young beatles were filtered beer. Thousands of fans of the Liverpool Four annually visit Quavern quartar, as well as all sorts of pubs, and the famous Bitles store. Tourists take place at commemorative places of the legendary ensemble, because their music is still very famous and loved for a large number of viewers.

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The Beatles Museum is generally a separate story, because the Piano of John Lennon is kept here, on which he played his masterpiece - Imagine. Liverpool is not only a well-known group, but also the world famous football club.

If we compare Liverpool with other British cities, then it is worth mentioning that there are about three thousand historically valuable buildings on its territory that are under state security. By the number of buildings of such value, Liverpool is inferior only to London. And if you consider the number of sculptures that are located on the city streets, the city surpassed only Westminster. At urban areas, much more buildings in the Gregorian style, rather than in the famous and beautiful bact, and it is worth noting that the city docks in 2004 received the status of UNESCO international heritage.

Yes, what to say, Liverpool is unique, as not to look at it. It is just an ideal place for a fascinating journey, which must be able to go through the UK. Tourists are worth visiting one of the original excursions in graffiti places, because Liverpool is famous for its own legitimate creations.

Rest in Liverpool: pros and cons. Should I go to Liverpool? 48629_6

Although, sometimes, the city authorities themselves invite certain masters for the receipt of the necessary objects.

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