What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places.


Here are some places in Glasgow, which can and you need to visit during your trip to this beautiful city.

Glasgow Science Center (Glasgow Science Center)

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_1

This is one of the most outstanding attractions of Scotland, which has become available to guests in 2001. The center is located in three buildings: a scientific laboratory, the Cinema IMAX and the Glasgow Tower, which rotates around its axis. The structure made in the Art Deco style is similar to the sparkling steel and glass three-storey sail. Inside, you can find more than 250 research exhibits, as well as the most interesting planetarium. The cinema is also the same interesting in design (built in the form of an ellipsoid). By the way, the architects planned to make this tower the highest in all of Europe, however, today the tower is a 60-meter construction, and construction work continues.

Address: 50 Pacific Quay

Overtoun Bridge (Overtoun Bridge)

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The arched bridge from the stone was built on the request of the local rich resident of Overtown. In the people, this bridge is called ... "Bridge of dog suicides." And all because this place was the place of death of dogs somewhere from the middle of the last century. The fact is that it was found that every month, on the same day from the bridge, 15 meters tightened down the dogs. Since the bridge is located above the waterfall, poor animals simply could not survive in such conditions. But those rare dogs who survived, oddly enough, flew ashore and rose to the bridge again, from where they jumped into the punch again. To say that the locals were frightened, it means not to say anything. After all, scientists have proven that the animals are inherent in the strongest instinct of self-preservation, and here it is ... In connection with these events, everyone began to remember an ancient story about how one of the towns of the town dropped from this bridge to the water of his little son, which drowned there - the Scots suggested That dogs kill the ghost of the child, who still lives under the bridge and returns to the place of murder on the day of death, bringing to the sacrifice of dogs that turn out there. Other residents assure that the spirit of the kid calls dogs down to play, and they cannot resist.

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_3

By the way, no one ever seen the Spirit of this. Frightened residents even turned to scientists with a request to find out these strange phenomena on the bridge. Scientists have found a simpler explanation. It turned out that almost all suicide dogs were hunting breeds, and crossing the bridge, they caught the smell of minks that live on the banks of the river. Slave strong hunting instinct, dogs rushed down for prey, but did not cope with the stream. But scientists could not explain why the dogs who survived, and, choosing ashore, did not begin to hunt, and again rose to the bridge. Therefore, a third theory appeared: a portal to other worlds opened on the bridge on the bridge, and the dogs simply fall there by chance. Then it is surprising that no person died, being tightened into this portal. In short, there are no answers, and dog death really continues. Riddle, however!

Address: Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire (half an hour of northwest ride from Glasgow)

Cathedral of the Saint Virgin Mary (St Mary's Cathedral)

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_4

The Cathedral of 63 meters high was opened in 1871, although construction work ended only in 1893, when the spire was installed. The cathedral is a particularly significant historical and architectural monument to the UK. The temple in the center of the village of West-end Glasgow and constantly takes tourists and parishioners, as well as cultural and religious events are held here. The cathedral is known for the activities of his mixed chorus and a massive organ, as well as ten sections of bells.

Address: 300 Great Western RD

Queen's Cross Church (Queen's Cross Church)

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_5

Sometimes the building is called the church of Macintosha in honor of his builder. The church, built in 1899, is located in the lively area of ​​Springbank, near Maryhill. This is a fairly simple and strict construction, without special jewelry, which reminds more small Norman castle than the church. The style in which the construction is built is also referred to as modern gothic. The inner decoration of this church of red brick, blackened with time, is also not such a pompous, as in many other churches of the city. But stained-glass windows definitely deserve attention.

Address: 870 Garscube Rd

Church of St. Aloysia (St. Aloysius Church)

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What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_7

The church in the area of ​​Garnetrhill was built in 1910, and this is the only Catholic church with the tower. The Belgian architect was engaged in the construction, which preferred the features of the baroque revival in his works, so, this church is very similar to the Church of Namur in Belgium. The church is under the management of the Society of Jesus (the only city). The inner space consists of 4 chapel - chapel of the Virgin Mary, the chapel of the sacred heart, the chapel of the saints and the chapel of St. Ignatius. The church is proud of the Tomb of St. John Ogilvi and a unique copy of the statue of the Virgin Mary Montserrat, or Black Madonna, which is located in the chapel of the Virgin Mary.

Address: 25 Rose St

Museum of the Football Club "Celtic" (Museum of the Football Club "Celtic")

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_8

The museum is located next to the Self Park Stadium, in the city center. The museum can be found on the second floor of a white-green pavilion. The exhibits of the museum will tell you about the history and traditions of the Club, from the moment of its foundation in 1888 to the present day. Here both photos, including exclusive, and trophies "Celtic", and form, and letters. In a cozy cinema bar, you can see old documentaries with the team participation. In a small bench, you can buy souvenirs with a team attribute at sufficiently low prices.

Address: Parkhead, 95 Kerrydale St,

Art Gallery and Museum KelvingroV (Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum)

What is worth looking in Glasgow? The most interesting places. 48598_9

One of the most popular museums of the country where the skeletons of prehistoric animals are stored, ancient sculptures, furniture items of different times, paintings, a collection of objects of art of ancient Egypt, armor and weapons. The museum was created at the very beginning of the last century. The very building in the style of Spanish baroque is impressive! And inside the museum is the organ. Museum visitors can enjoy the works of such great masters like Rubens, Rembrandt, Botticelli, Giovanni Bellini, Titian, Picasso, Van Gogh, Dali, Monet, and others. There are special excursions and events for children.

Address: Argyle St

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