What is worth viewing in Birmingham? The most interesting places.


The second largest city is the United Kingdom. The city with a richest history, because the first settlements appeared here more than a thousand years ago. And all this is the wonderful city of Birmingham. The attractions of the city allow tourists very fascinating and informative to spend time, visiting exhibitions, museums and other architectural buildings of the city. Here are some places worth visiting by arriving in Birmingham.

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Institute of Fine Arts (Barber Institute of Fine Arts). On the territory of the student town of Birmingham, a special room is located, which features an art gallery, open to tourist visits. Robert Atkinson developed a building project in 1930. This building was the first of its kind, in which British art began to be studied. Initially, the patron saint of the museum was William Henry Barber, but after his sweep, the museum began to support him as well. Today, the Institute has a very rich collection, among which there is one of the largest collections of coins of JSC of the world, among which Roman and Byzantine unique coins, as well as sculptures and miniatures. And this, not to mention the collection of Pictures of Claude Monet, Auguste Roden, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt and many others. Today, this is a cultural and historical heritage not only Birmingham, but also of the UK.

St. Philip's Cathedral Cathedral (St Philip's Cathedral). The cathedral is not only the Anglican Cathedral, but also by the Bishop's Bishop Bishopham. After the Church of St. Martin ceased to grab the places for the parishioners, the church decided to build nearby. In 1711, the structure of the church began, and after the city began to grow, in 1905 the church was appointed administrative center.

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And, despite the fact that during the Second World War, the cathedral blew up, the most valuable things were taken out of the cathedral, and after its reconstruction, they returned back again. The building of the cathedral is very beautiful, it has an ancient body, which has been preserved since 1715, and a children's choir.

Birmingham Birmingham Garden (Birmingham Botanical Gardens). The Botanical Garden is located not far from the center, in the Edgbaston area and receives visitors daily, except Christmas. The garden opened its doors in 1829, but today everything has changed here in the root. Today there are four greenhouses, in front of which are beautiful green lawns with shrubs. Tropical plants grow in the first greenhouse, with their microclimate.

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In the second - the plants of the subtropical climate, in the third - with the Mediterranean, in the fourth - plants of more drying world districts. The botanical garden resembles a landscaped Victorian Park, about 6 hectares. For tourists amazing is the fact that the Botanical Garden is right in the center of Birmingham. Over the entire territory grows more than seven thousand plant species, the oldest of which is the Chinese juniper, which has been over 250 years. In this amazing garden, various types of birds live, among which are exotic. This is a very popular place among tourists, because sometimes you just want to enjoy the natural beauty of the city, and relax from stone monuments and buildings.

Botanical Garden Winterborne (Winterbourne Botanic Garden). The Botanical Garden is located in the same area as the Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham, but belongs to the University of Birmingham. This garden is a special scientific interest and is under state security. The garden, area of ​​about 28 thousand square meters, is a kind of garden villa, which is almost lost in the world. The building was built in 1903, and after the death of the owner, he was transferred to the institute. Not so long ago, the villa was renovated and open to visitors.

This place is very good to visit the whole family, because there are souvenir shops, a small café and gallery. In the garden there is a forest, in the territory of which you can exercise hiking. Tourists come delight from the beautiful house of orchids, as well as greenhouses. It is always very bright and colorful here, because plants and shrubs are almost always in bloom.

Aston Hall (Aston Hall). The construction of Aston Hall began in 1618, and lasted as many as 17 years. In 1643, after the attack of the parliamentary troops, the building suffered greatly, and many damage here are still visible. Initially, the building was owned by Sir Thomas Holt, and the settlement of the building was sold by James Watta younger.

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After him acquired a private company, but in connection with financial difficulties, it was sold to Birmingham Corporations.

Today, Aston Hall is a full museum. In 1878, a collection of works of art was transported here, as well as the weapons Museum moved here. In 1930, the building was renovated and turned into a full-fledged museum, in which tourists can see objects of furniture, textiles, some pictures of those times, as well as to enjoy the atmosphere of the 17th century. In addition, Aston Hall is under state protection and is an object of historical and cultural heritage.

Street Colmore Row (Colmore Row). The most prestigious Birmingham Street, attracts quite a large number of tourists annually.

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In the 18th century, the area began to be developed here, in 178 the Church of St. Philip was built here, and after the residential buildings were actively built. The street was named after the famous family Color. Tourists are very interested in walking down the street, because initially all the houses were built in the Grigorian style, and by 1840 they were rebuilt into a Victorian style. After the Second World War I was expanded in connection with the creation of a new transport system, and at present the street allows you to enjoy the 19th century atmosphere survived here.

Cathedral of St. Chad (St Chad's Cathedral). The Cathedral of St. Chad is the Roman Catholic Cathedral, which was built in 1534. The status of the Cathedral of the Church received in 1852. Part of the church suffered during the war, but almost the entire church has been preserved to the present day in pristine. Currently, the church is part of the historical and cultural heritage of state significance. Tourists come to visit the church, as it is very old.

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