What should I see in Iguazu? The most interesting places.


Waterfalls Iguazu are rightfully considered the most majestic and beautiful on our planet.And it despite the fact that they are not even the biggest, high or wide. But it was Iguazu that every year attract many tourists from all over the world. They are geographically located on the river with the same name and pass through the territory of the two countries - Brazil and Argentina. And it is these waterfalls that the place visited by tourists in both of these countries. After all, these 275 waterfalls are located in the midst of fantastically beautiful nature.

The source of the River Iguazu is located in the mountains of Serra do Mar in Paran and about 1200 km calmly flows through the territory of Brazil. And thanks to numerous tributaries there is a constant increase in the river in size. And along the way it is not lazy, but creates dozens of waterfalls, and some of them are quite large. And in the place of merging with the river Paran is the largest difference in height. The river breaks sharply and forms many waterfalls. This shares the river to the upper and lower iguhas.

Local Indian tribes have their own legends about the creation of these waterfalls.

And in 1541 the first resident of Europe saw this beauty. And it was no one as a Spanish conquistor named Alvar Nunis Cabez de Vaca. He has decided to give waterfall the name of Salto de Santa Maria, but it did not think there. But, apparently, that the European primer and his descendants are offended, in honor of him later called one of the cascades of Iguazu, which is located on the territory of Argentina.

Despite the fact that the waterfalls were open for Europeans in the 16th century, for some reason they forgot about them for a long time, and they remembered only three centuries later. And they re-open the Boselli researcher. Until 1864, Iguazu belonged to Paraguay, but as a result of a long and very bloody war, the state was forced to go for many concessions and territorial as well. As a result, Argentina and Brazil were divided by waterfalls among themselves.

And in 1934, the Government was created by Iguazu National Park on both banks of the river. And it is still one of the largest parks in the world. And also there are reserves with many species of plants and animals.

The number of cascades 275 is the largest amount collected in one place on our planet. The total length of the waterfalls is about 2700 meters. And the most spectacular waterfall under the speaking name of the devil's throat.

What should I see in Iguazu? The most interesting places. 48461_1

It consists of 14 powerful streams and it is constantly surrounded by a huge cloud of splashes. To the foot of the waterfall leads the trail and thanks to this it can be considered near. It is this cascade that love to depict in films and pictures. By the way, there are a lot of films on the territory of Iguazu. Among them are such known as, for example, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Godzilla", "Mission" and others. So who for the first time sees these cascades, they seem very familiar.

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A variety of podiums and tracks are built around the perimeter of the waterfalls so that it is more convenient to inspect beauty. You can also order a separate excursion by helicopter. However, it should be known that this can be done only on the Brazilian side, since the Government of Argentina prohibited this not to do its territory. But on the Argentine side, if desired, you can even swim under small waterfalls. And also for tourists it will be interesting to see as Argentina equipped its part of the National Park. After all, each country has a number of features and interesting in the park to get acquainted with their traditions.

When visiting the waterfall, it is advisable to allocate one day for inspection from the Brazilian side, and the second day with Argentinean. From different countries, species on the waterfall differ significantly. In addition, it will be possible besides inspecting Iguazu to take part in sporting events and inspect very beautiful parks.

And to start acquaintance in Iguazu from Brazil, it is better because there are more sightseeing on the territory of this country, from where you can enjoy waterfalls. Those who come to Brazil will examine Iguazu, usually stop in the city of Fos do Iguazu, located 20 kilometers from him. This is a tourist center and everything is created in it for tourists. And besides, there is quite safe compared to the rest of Brazil, there are no street robbery.

After inspecting the Brazilian part of the waterfall, you can walk on the national park and dine in the restaurant. And besides. Tourists are offered entertainment. For example, you can go hiking, climbing or rafting.

And many tourists and especially families with children love to visit the park of birds. There is a huge number of diverse bird species in Brazil. This is also a very interesting sight to watch these creatures.

From the city of Foz do Iguazu to the waterfall can be reached in many ways - by taxi, on a flight bus or a special tourist bus. It is more expedient to go there on a regular bus, the fare in which costs about 50 rubles, and back already by taxi. But the passage will cost about 1000. It is best for the inspection of the waterfalls to wake up early to have time to inspect more interesting day for the light day.

According to the reviews of the experienced tourists, waterfalls have to be so expressed different faces at different times of the year. More beautiful than all of them or in the rainy season or in December-February. During this period, they appear in all their power.

But from March to August, there is clear weather and very beautiful photos are obtained. And this also has its own charm.

The infrastructure of the waterfall began to develop quite recently. I found it out after a conversation with one tourist. He visited Iguazu about 15 years ago and said that there was nothing there for a normal inspection.

In general, the greatness and beauty of this waterfall can not be described in words. It all needs to be seen with your own eyes. After all, even the famous Niagara Falls looks dim in comparison with Iguazu. And because of the huge number of bridges,

What should I see in Iguazu? The most interesting places. 48461_3

This is the most convenient waterfall in the world for inspection. In addition, the waterfall can be considered from different angles and nowhere else is there anything. There are few local inhabitants there, because the price there is so to speak tourist. Russian tourists there will also meet not often, while our compatriots did not discover Iguas.

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