When is it better to relax in Cologne?


It is difficult to deny that the best time to visit Cologne is the end of spring, summer and the beginning of autumn. No, you can come here absolutely at any time of the year, but that no natural cataclysms be distracted from viewing attractions, it is better to go to this period during this period of the year.

Winter in Cologne

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The average temperature in winter - + 2-3C, falls below zero, except for degrees-two (happened in history and strong frosts, up to -25c, but it is unlikely to find you if you go to Cologne in the winter). Snow sometimes falls out, but it immediately melts, and porridge is formed and sludge. Such Startomartovskaya Russian weather. In February, it will noticeably warms, by the middle of the month already + 10-12, and looks out of the sun. Dress up warmer, but mostly in jackets and caps, not in fur coats. And Christmas Happy New Year is not at all festive once. Some establishments, rental, parks are closed for winter, and many places work for an hour or two less than in summer. It is clear, it is not a tourist season.

Spring in Cologne

From the end of February and before March, the inhabitants of Cologne rapidly celebrate the end of winter by the carnival. Every day different and unique, the best "Rose Monday".

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In this year (2014), he will happen on March 3. More than 10 thousand local residents, who is smashed by which in what is much, in multi-colored wigs, with balloons and ribbons, someone on horseback, someone on brightly decorated carts, under the sounds of the orchestra, marvel on the main streets of Cologne, scattering candy, soft Toys and bouquets of flowers. Here is a spring crazy!The temperature of the spring is cool, in March, on average + 6-8c, to May - + 17-18C and higher. There are in April and march frosts, but it is rare, though. But in the spring there are squalid gusts, not too nice. And also there are floods, and, quite frightening with their scope.

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Summer in Cologne

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Summer in the city is excellent! As in all Germany, not too roast, but the weather is really cool! The average temperature in the summer - + 17-19s. The maximum heat that the inhabitants of the city have ever been experienced - + 38c, but this is an anomaly. The heat usually rises only to + 24-25c, and this great happiness for local, and tourists, too, everyone rushes to arrange picnics and go to the beach. By the way, in June, it often goes rain, it is generally the most "wet" month of the year in Cologne. Yes, and in July, it happens, the shower is born. August is the most dry and most pleasant month of summer, so to be in August in Cologne - it's time.

Autumn in Cologne

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When is it better to relax in Cologne? 4838_15

Golden September, still warm October and dry and cool November. September and the truth is excellent, + 15-16c, October - + 10-12c, November - + 6-7c. Although the memories of the summer, the warm days of the Baby Summer are still returning, and more than once, sometimes even in November. Autumn is quite good time for trips to Cologne! Most rain is likely in September, and it is not very much. This fall is our slush, dirt, rain and Mallosis. Someone walks in open shoes until October in Cologne or even in light sweaters and with naked legs (well, it would be so!).

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The sun is still warming, the mood is super.

In general, Cologne, definitely, is always good!

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