What excursions worth visiting in Petra?


You still think that you can not surprise anything? Visit Petra and I am sure that your opinion will change. This "pink city" as if he had grown in the rocks. Here you seem to go to another reality, where fairy tales and myths become a reality.

So, I bought an excursion to Peter, resting in Sharm el-Sheikh. I took in one of the street agencies, as you buy 1.5 - 2 times at your hotel guide. The cost of the excursion is rather small: 200 US dollars (aviation - 350). And the guarantee of quality and safety when choosing a tour (at the guide or on the street) is the same. Called "how lucky".

I will say straight, the trip to Peter is not the lungs test. Departure from the hotel at 02 hours at night, arrival back at the next night. Part of the road passes on the minibus, then on the ferry to Jordan, then go on a large bus. The excursion itself takes 3-4 hours. Then in the reverse sequence ago. The cost of the excursion includes Jordanian visa, lunch, entrance ticket.

Peter - an ancient city and one of the most visited places in the world . Peter is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Also included in the "new seven wonders of the world."

This ancient city was carved in a rock over 2,000 years ago. He is still called "Pink City". You can get to it on foot only through the long (about 1 km) a narrow gorge between the high sheer cliffs. You can come on horseback, good at the entrance to the local complex offer this service. On the other hand, the city surrounds the sheer (about 60 meters) rocks. So the road is one - Sik Gorge. Go long. But you leave the gorge ... "This is the temple of St. Grail," that's the first one comes to mind when your gaze opens El Hazne. Yes, It was here that the films of the film "The Adventures of Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail".

What excursions worth visiting in Petra? 4835_1

El Hazne is a magnificent building with a facade carved in the rock and well-preserved to this day. Its construction is dated first (!) Century. At the top above the entrance is noticeable, as if urn from stone. In her ancient legend kept gold and jewelry. In fact, there is no accurate data. Inside the church is closed. And yet, as the guide told us, there are controversy that it is for the building: an ancient tomb or temple, but more inclined that this is the temple of Isids. But still it is not clear how in the first century could build such a monumental structure? Also striking the fact that El Hazne has been preserved through the century almost in perfect condition.

After that, the guide will lead you to the Roman (and where without Romans) amphitheatera and colonnade, which are also carved in the rock.

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Then you will see a whole city consisting of a variety of caves, niches and terraces, more precisely, that it remains from it. Look at the complex system of Petra channels, modeling, mosaic. And all this is also wounded in the rocks. And also crypts.

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If you have a lot of time, you can visit the ancient monastery and see the tomb of Brother Moses - Aaron. The crown over the tomb is visible from afar. She was shown to us with one of the terraces, to go to the tomb of four hours, no less.

On the territory of Petra you can buy drinks and various souvenirs. Locals are trying to "wear" tourists allegedly objects of antiquity (coins, dishes and other). The benefit here are excavations and you can deceive with impunity. Looking at prices, you understand that the first century thing can not cost 10 euros. Do not be fooled.

The territory of Petra is huge. Bypassing all this for 3-4 hours, which give to inspection, unreal. Although I believe that the goals of the excursion reached and saw quite a lot.

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However, there are tourists who relax in Jordan, come from Amman or Aqaba on their own and are ready to stay here for two to three days (entrance tickets are just working for three days). Ticket price - 90 dinar. The road from Amman takes 3 hours. Travel by bus 3 Dinar, taxi - 70 dinar. From Aqaba (as we drove) Taxi costs 30 dinar. We learned this from a guide on the way to Peter.

By the way, depending on the time, the days of the cliffs change their color, when sunset, not pink, but almost pomegranates. Just witchcraft some.

Finally, several recommendations.

1. in no case Do not take for this excursion of children . The excursion is very tedious and not every adult will stand it. You will have a real problem with the child: and it is naming, and you will not see anything.

2. It is desirable to have comfortable shoes and clothing on yourself, so you have to go really a lot. Do not score araphate (or Jordanka). The sun is capable of much.

3. Take a stock of water. On the territory of the complex the water is sold, but rarely where.

4. Prices in Jordan for some reason an order of magnitude higher than in Egypt with a similar assortment and quality of goods. Therefore, buying at your discretion. Of course, the bargaining is appropriate, but the Jordanians traded reluctantly and weakly.

5. And most importantly, do not waste. Not the fact that you will be in this dead city after sunset.

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