What is worth viewing in Sozopol? The most interesting places.


Vintage white-colored houses covered with red tiles, charming churches, romantic stone alley, cozy narrow streets, frivolous grapes and figs, sandy clean beaches and of course harbor, all this is Sozopol. This is a very ancient city, as it was founded in the sixth century BC. It reigns a special atmosphere, which is able to evaluate only creative people, as well as those who simply do not think their lives without beauty in all its manifestations. I will not give a dry report on our husband to rest in Sozopol, and it will be better to tell about what interests can be seen in this wonderful and insane charming town.

Sozopolsky amphitheater . This amphitheater once was the center of the cultural life of local citizens. He was erected in the second century. The scientist miraculously managed to discover him and helped them in this mother nature. The whole thing is that in one thousand nine hundred and seventy second year, a landslide happened to this very place, which actually exposed some of this amazing historical architectural monument. Such a find could not be ignored by local authorities and the amphitheater managed to fully restore the restoration work. Yes, according to its size, he is somewhat inferior to his fellows from other countries and cities, but not only in greatness, and not the peculiarities of the reigning atmosphere. The feeling that I had in this area can be characterized as sublime, and this place is simply impregnated with the spirit of antiquity. By the way, the scene of the amphitheater, it is acting on it as many centuries ago, in the summer, literary readings are held, artistic and photo exhibitions are being conducted, the theatrical performances are shown, songs and dances are performed, and there are still many premature other cultural events. At the time when the amphitheater scene rests from the festivities, the whole complex is open for tourists and everyone who wants can see this old beauty.

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Church of Saints Kirill and Methodius . This church is an Orthodox church. Judging by the title, he was given it in honor of the scientist ancient times, which created the first Slavic alphabet. They built it in one thousand eight hundred and eighty ninth year, the master of the mouth of Ghencho. In those days, when the church was built, it was behind the city itself, and the service was held only in the largest Christian holidays. The overall appearance of the church, can be characterized as one-heel basil. The height of the temple is twelve meters, width thirteen meters, and the length of twenty five meters. The most valuable thing is now in the walls of the temple - carved iconostasis, which was made in the seventeenth century by the masters of the Debar school. With one thousand nine hundred and forty-fourth year, in the place of the temple there was a museum, but one thousand nine hundred and eighty ninth year, the structure returned the Orthodox Church again. After she visited the museum, the church needed a serious restoration, which was over only two thousand eleventh year. To date, the Church works safely for the benefit of Orthodox parishioners and curious tourists.

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Temple of the Virgin Mary. . Seeing this temple, do not immediately understand that this is the church, but about everything in order. This shrine is called the Church of the Holy Mother of God. The building looks like basil with three domes. It is unique and unusual in that the height of the church is at the level of the adult's shoulder. All rooms in which services are held are underground. The church was built in the fifteenth century, and in those days, the Turks were commissioned here, which forbidden the workers to build the church of such a height, which would cover the review of the riders. Probably, such a restriction, the Turks wanted to ensure that Orthodox Christians could not build churches, but they see too mistaken. Since the entire temple is underground, the lighting inside is rather bad, but this does not spoil the inner feeling of calm and comfort. The Temple of the Virgin Mary is a unique one of its kind and therefore, he was brought to UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Chapel of St. Nicholas Wonderworker . She is located, not far from the port and not at all. The fact is that sailors consider this holy by their patron and it is they who became the initiators of the construction of this temple. This chapel compared to other temples that are located in the city is the youngest. Entrance to the temple, decorated with an icon, which artist Ivan Bakhchevanov wrote. Close-up with inlet steps, the benches are supplied and a miniature fountain with water suitable for drinking is supplied. The main influx of parishioners, is observed in this chapel of the sixth of December in the Nikulden holiday, this holiday is dedicated to St. Nicholas.

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Ropotamo Reserve . In order to get to the territory of the reserve, it is necessary to overcome twenty kilometers of the way from Sozopol. The status of the reserve zone Ropotamo received one thousand nine hundred and fortieth year, and at one thousand nine hundred and six hundred and second year, he received the status of a cultural park than actually the love of tourists arriving in these places. The influx of tourists was so great that it led to a violation of the environmental balance of Ropotamo. One thousand nine hundred and ninety-year second year, local authorities decided to protect the reserve from an inevitable death and strict regime was introduced on its territory. At the moment, in the reserve Ropotamo, two hundred fifty bird species lives, and seventy one species is listed in the Red Book. And on the territory of the reserve, there grows about a hundred species of plants, which were also listed in the book.

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Today, the reserve is open for tourists as before, but a very big excitement around him, I did not notice. What you can do here is to take a stroll through the park and ride on the boat under the ridiculous name "boat for a call". The hour walk on this boat is one euro. Schedules of movement as such, the boats have no, because they go to their way only after they are fully filled with rest. Time waiting time, you can in a cafe that is right next to the pier.

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