Inter-water - a nightmarish memories of spoiled vacation


My girlfriend was persuading on holiday in the inter-water, which rested here with his daughter in 2009 and was pleased with affordable prices with proper comfort. Given the friendship of our children, decided that the entertainment deficit would be compensated by bathing and playing on the beach. We bought a ten-day tour and went ...

We arrived at 5:30 am, settled, filed and went to search for the sea. Before him, it was necessary to turn on foot for 20 minutes, provided that the child is in hand, and everything is 30-40 minutes ... while there is no vegetation along the road. It especially strained along the way back on the sun at lunch. In general, in the inter-water trees grow, it seems, only in the private sector, most often they are not even in the territory of hotels ...

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When we came to the beach, it was 9 hours, it seems not too late, but places to spread the bedspread, there was no longer! The circle was smoking, drinking beer, something like, labeled holidaymakers. Some as we settled, but they did not dare to swim - not only the fact that the holidaymakers were thrown directly on the sand of the cigarette, grizzles and smoke, so they threw them in the sea! In addition, the port of PGT was viewed from the beach. Black Sea and some tower, obviously something developing in this area. I doubt that at least one of these objects did not have a negative impact on the purity of water. Yes, and the number of beer consumed by vacationers, and the absence of toilets, too, somehow did not strongly inspire the confidence of the purity of the sea in this place.

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The next day decided to go to search for clean water. According to a friend, five kilometers were deserted coves among rocks with amazingly clean water. Where there! Over the years, the rock fell, and the descent to the water was simply not !!! I had to be content with a dirty sandy "anthill" in the morning, since after dinner, the sea turned out of the blue in the yellow, which personally did not cause the desire to go there ... In addition, theft is flourishing on the beach - theft is flourishing - pulling everything from valuable things to Inflatable pillows.

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With meals in inter-water, there are also obvious problems - it seems that all cafes and restaurants set themselves the task - to poison you for your money! Have you ever seen pancakes with meat with adding ... Macaroni? And I did not want to return money for this delicacy! Buy the baby a glass of juice in a cafe is a whole story - the juice from the package diluted with water costs 12 UAH (more expensive than liter packaging). In general, the entire village, in my opinion, only lives at the expense of what makes the visits, selling products of dubious origin at cosmic prices. For 10 days I saw among the resting multiple cases of poisoning products purchased in stores and cafes. Considering that almost all guest yards in the inter-water belonging to the residents of Vinnitsa, it comes to mind that they are also the owners of "malicious institutions." Consequently, the products are carried away from Vinnitsa, and considering the remoteness of settlements, it is clear why people are singing ice cream, drinks and champagne ...

Separate conversation about entertainment in inter-water. They are simply no! On the beach there are inflatable trampolines, slides, etc. In the village itself - bridal attractions, somehow assembled. The biggest nightmare in my life I experienced, rushing on the ferris wheel in the inter-water. This construction during the movement creaked and made a swinging from side to the side, threatened to fall apart. Now I can't even look at this attraction in any of the cities!

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To top it all, this monster was included in only late in the evening, when a complete darkness fell in the surrounding area. At the same time, the wheel itself was having fun, which attracted customers to him, but rising to the top, disappointment occurred - there is no village or coves. In general, solid negative! To top it up to everything, the child's angina's child got sick, and then I understood the pharmacy attachments that residents of inter-water absolutely healthy people never sick. The pharmacy sold water to 10 UAH. per liter, gaskets, wool, bandages, iodine and napkins. There was nothing of the medicine! On the way home, the girlfriend I apologized to me, and I will never go to this hell more even for free!

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