Where can I eat in Varkal?


But what is beautiful and virtuoso guy works! By God, I loved. For the work of the guy-baker I was not without admiration peeping when I was sitting in Kerala Café. In Varkal, where I once arranged a loud scandal with a challenge manager. Honestly, I went there specifically for cakes, because it was better than in this institution, they were nowhere to find them. The scandal in Kerala Café broke out due to beer. Imagine that you are sitting in a fantastically beautiful place, admire the sunset, immersed in your thoughts, and you bring beer in ... two tea circles. You know, such standard three-gram mugs with inscriptions TEA, COFFEE, etc. What is your reaction? Yeah, so I was the same. I ask: "What?!" - "Your beer, ma'am." - "Are you kidding me? Beer in tea cups? Remove this disgrace and bring me my big beer! " - "Maem, we do not give in bottles, but a big one does not fit into one cup." - "I will not drink beer from a tea cup!" - "Maem, she is not a tea. We do not give tea in them, only beer. "With the manager (European appearance, by the way, I don't even know where he came from) The conversation continued at about the same venerer. You see, in Kerala selling beer absolutely in all restaurants and cafes, Only the lazy does not sell it in his institution, for resting Him and at night. On the bottles themselves, they even affix the inscription "only for sale in Kerala." And he began to rub such a nonsense, as if I didn't spend this time in India. the month. The case ended with the fact that the manager brought me my beer wobbed into the newspaper, when I opened and poured into the beer mug, the remnants took with you, and in my click brought again and felt. Those cups that brought me five minutes later Tyuhali to the next client. There really everything is calmly bread beer from tea cups - I think that the restaurant did not have a license for the sale of alcohol either he was registered not as a restaurant, but as a coffee-shop, they disguised it in this way Under tea-coffee, avoiding taxes.

Another institution in Varkal with decent cuisine and democratic prices, which I must certainly tell you, this is a restaurant. Sunrise. On the northern cliff. We often went to dinner there. There is not only pretty well prepared, in this place is simply very cozy. Restaurant on the second floor overlooking the sea. In the evenings there are composed fresh fish and seafood. When they are laid out at sunset on a special table at the entrance, it is indescribable beautiful, the spectacle is not to tear the eye.

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View from the second floor Sunrise

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Two more restaurants in Varkal I have to mention certainly. IN Mama Champos. Every day there were breakfasts and Indians who work there, willingly walked to change the menu on our taste. Pancakes that they prepared, satisfied our capricious taste, and the omelet in their execution was great. True, prices there are still overwhelmed there, but this restaurant was closest to our hotel, and the quality of dishes quite satisfied us. We must pay tribute to the guys and thank them for the fact that they trusted me infinitely, and sometimes I paid for them the next day.

But after the beach, he gave great pleasure to drink juice from Aria and his cute, friendly and always smiling wife in their small cafe Arya's That is at the very end of Varkala Beach Road on the right, almost at the turn of the road to the temple. Its prices for juices, fruits, fruit salads, yogurt and all sorts of pancakes were exactly two times lower than in other establishments of southern cliff. Yes, and all the rest of the little thing he was selling a much more attractive price, so he always had the people and the tables were not empty. Arya also sent me to the loan, and the next day did not even remember why I should pay him and what should pay in principle.

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